[JAVA] Thinking about how to use Ionic-Native, Hybrid and HTML5 for mobile app production

When Ionic is built, it is not converted to Swift. I would like to compare HTML5 development by Ionic and Native / Hybrid development as a mobile application production method.


HTML5 development

Refers to the one developed by Single Page Application. Ionic also falls into this.

Hybrid development

In this article, we exclude HTML5 apps and refer to Xamarin written in C # and NativeScript written in JavaScript (React Native, etc.).

Native development

For iOS, it refers to Swift / Objective-C, and for Android, it refers to those developed with Kotlin / Java. In most cases, the terms "smartphone app development" and "app recruitment" refer to Native developers.

Comparison of compatible devices

Simply put, HTML5 / Hybrid development is an all-rounder, and Native development is a one-point specialization type.

Type WEB Smartphone app
HTML5 Compatible with both
Hybrid Compatible with both
Native Either iOS or Android

The reason why Hybrid's web usage is △ is because there is a React Native web publishing project.

https://github.com/necolas/react-native-web Demo http://necolas.github.io/react-native-web/storybook/

However, since there are many opinions that "Write in React on the WEB", it is written as △. So, on compatible devices, it will be "HTML5> Hybrid> Native".

Big difference between HTML5 and Native / Hybrid

It should be noted that "HTML5 development is a native reproduction". For example, the HTML5 (Ionic) and Native (Swift) codes for displaying alerts are as follows.

//Ionic code written in TypeScript
   const alert = this.alertCtrl.create({
    title: 'Alert display', buttons: ['close']
// Swift
@IBAction func dispAlert(sender: UIButton) {
    let alert: UIAlertController = UIAlertController(
      title: "Alert display", message: "message", preferredStyle:  UIAlertControllerStyle.Alert
    presentViewController(alert, animated: true, completion: nil)

Each API is called, but in HTML5, "HTML that looks exactly like Native drawing" is displayed by this API. HTML5 reproduces the native movement of alerts and loading screens by drawing HTML in the application where WebView is displayed. On the other hand, Native / Hybrid hits the API of the smartphone OS itself, so "OS alert" is displayed.

This has had a significant impact on performance. Ten years ago, it was said that it was "slow to make with HTML" due to the slow rendering of JavaScript and the low specifications of iOS / Android devices, but that is because it is "reproduced" in this way. is. However, when I looked around in 2017, the rendering speed of HTML5 and the specifications of the device increased significantly, and now it is said that it will be as fast as Native.

However, the drawing speed is Native / Hybrid> HTML5.

Ease of application implementation

"Easy to implement", in other words, the size of the sword. This is a different situation, so I will present some patterns.

When developing only iOS apps

Native development is overwhelmingly easy. There is no merit in developing HTML5 / Hybrid with inexperienced people.

When developing iOS and Android apps

Hybrid's specialty. However, if you have a Swift / Java engineer, Native development may be faster than challenging Hybrid development, and I think HTML5 development is better when the web production team creates an app. It depends on the team members, and this is the correct answer! There is no such thing.

When developing iOS / Android / Web apps

For small teams, choose HTML5 development. However, if there is no one in the team who can write HTML, it may be better to develop in the field of specialty (in that case, there is a problem with what to do with the web application).

Therefore, I think that the ease of implementing an application depends on the requirements x human resources. "The silver bullet didn't exist" is an overused expression, but ** solves it all! Well, that's a lie, isn't it?

Think about how to use Ionic

Disadvantages of HTML5 development

Since HTML5 development "reproduces the native", if there is a big change in the device design, it will be necessary to upgrade to follow it. The fact that the "Cordova plugin" that directly accesses native functions also has an intermediate layer causes version dependence, and if there is a destructive change at the OS level, it may be difficult to keep up with it (this is also the case with Hybrid development).

Native development is the best performing mobile app, and no matter how much HTML5 development evolves, it won't overturn it.

Growth curve at the product level

What is often said in HTML5 development is the appeal of "one resource multiple deployment". If you develop WEB / iOS / Android separately, not only will the initial cost increase, but minor design modifications and functional improvements will correspond to each. It is difficult in reality to have that many human resources at all times (and there is a tendency for native application development human resources to be in short supply).

Another serious problem is that the number of apps has been released as many as the number of stars, and the download rate has dropped. When the app is released, the times have changed from when a certain number of downloads were made, so the general method is to release it at the lowest cost, quickly test the hypothesis, withdraw if it does not work, and continue to work on it if it works, to grow the product. It became a target.

With that in mind, it is possible to adopt different development methods for the hypothesis testing process and the growth process. It is not which of HTML5 / Hybrid / Native development is superior, but hypothesis verification is performed in detail with the HTML5 application, and when it grows to a certain scale and can be monetized, it will be replaced with Hybrid / Native development to further enhance the user experience. I feel that this has become a realistic measure. The number of designers who can write HTML has increased, and it is good to develop HTML5 as a mockup.

In that sense, I often see a tone like "Ionic (HTML5 development) vs React Native (Hybrid development)", but I don't think it can be a comparison axis. It's a completely different layer.

It's an article that doesn't draw any conclusions, but only provides a perspective, but I hope you find it helpful. Also, if you are interested in HTML5 development and Ionic in this article, you can also get Introduction to Mobile App Creation with Ionic <Web / iPhone / Android Compatible>. I'm happy.

See you again.

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