Move what you installed with pip to the conda environment

When building a python environment, it may be difficult to understand why it is installed with pip or conda, so I will summarize it.

How to place line-bot-sdk in Anaconda's virtual environment

If you want to install line-bot-sdk in Anaconda's virtual environment but not with the conda command, install it with the pip command.

$ pip3 install line-bot-sdk

Even if I check it with the following command, it is not in the virtual environment of Anaconda.

$ conda list

In my case the result of'pip3 install line-bot-sdk'

$ /Users/username/.pyenv/versions/3.6.5/lib/python3.6/site-packages

I found that there is a line-bot-sdk in the above path. We have to move this to Anaconda's virtual environment.

Next, check the path of the virtual environment.

$ python
>>> import sys
>>> import pprint
>>> pprint.pprint(sys.path)


In my case, these five? Was the enabled path. So this time I decided to put the line-bot-sdk file directly under the python3.7 folder.

Finally, make sure that line-bot-sdk is included in the confirmation.

$ pip freeze 


I'm still groping because I don't know much about environment construction. Please point out if there are any mistakes in this way.

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