If you want to enter the virtual environment with jupyter, nb_conda_kernels is recommended


As the title says. If you search in Japanese, only the method using jupyter_environment_kernels will be hit, but nb_conda_kernels developed by Anaconda official. Anaconda-Platform / nb_conda_kernels) is easier and more reliable.


Just execute the following command in the environment where jupyter is started.

conda install -c conda-forge nb_conda_kernels

Open jupyter and select your favorite environment from "Kernel"-> "Change Kernel".


I think there is a great demand to change the environment for running jupyter notebook and juypter lab to the virtual environment of anaconda. If you search for "jupyter virtual environment" in Japanese, you will find many articles that introduce the method using jupyter_environment_kernels. However, operations other than install, such as rewriting config, are required. Also, looking at this repository, the final commit is 2018/2, so maintenance concerns remain. Therefore, we recommend nb_conda_kernels as an alternative. This is developed by Anaconda official, and you can change the virtual environment in jupyter just by installing it. This is definitely recommended because there is no need to rewrite the config.

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