Object-oriented (java) with Strike Gundam


Created for object-oriented learning. I imagined the assembly of Strike Gundam and Strike Dagger, and created it with the common features of each in mind.


It was created by the following procedure.

  1. Creating an interface → Three types of striker packs are used as the interface.
  2. Creating a superclass → The X100 series frame is a super class.
  3. Creating a subclass → Strike Gundam and Strike Dagger are subclasses.
  4. Creating a Factory class → Create an instance in the Factory class and describe to call the method.

Creating an interface

Create an ale, sword, and launcher in the form of an interface, and describe each armament as follows.


package practice;

public interface Striker {
	String[] arrayAile = {"57mm high energy beam rifle", "Beam saber", "Anti-beam shield"};
	String[] arraySword = {"15.78m anti-ship sword "Schwert Geber"", "Beam Boomerang "Midas Messer"", "Rocket anchor "Panzer Eisen""};
	String[] arrayLauncher = {"320mm ultra-high impulse cannon "Agni"", "120mm anti-ship Vulcan cannon", "350mm gun launcher"};


Creating a superclass

Strike Gundam and Strike Dagger use the X100 series frame as the basic skeleton. Another feature is the striker pack system. Describe these features in X100frame.java as follows.


package practice;

//Since it is assumed that it will be inherited, it is abstract.
public abstract class X100frame {
	private String name = "";
	private String type = "X100 series frame";
	private String feature = "Striker pack system";
	public X100frame(String name) {
		this.name = name;
	public String getName() {
		return this.name;
	public String getType() {
		return this.type;
	public String getFeature() {
		return this.feature;

    public void list() {
		System.out.println("Armed list:");

//Since it will be overridden on the subclass side, write an empty method
    public abstract void printData();
	public abstract void printDataPersonal();
    public abstract void printDataAile();
	public abstract void printDataSword();
	public abstract void printDataLauncher();

Creating a subclass

Create Strike Gundam as STRIKE class and Strike Dagger as DAGGER class. At that time, inherit the X100frame class so that the three interfaces created in step 1 can also be used.


package practice;

//Inherit the X100frame class and enable the interface Striker
public class STRIKE extends X100frame implements Striker {

	public STRIKE() {super("Strike Gundam"); }
//Features of bare strike only
	private String Model = "GAT-X105";
	private String Armor = "Phase shift armor";
	private double height = 17.72;
	private double weight = 64.80;
	private String WEAPON[] = {"Egerstern", "Armor Schneider"};

//Method to output the features of only the plain strike
	public void printData() {
		System.out.println("Mobile suit name:" + this.getName());
		System.out.println("Model number:" + this.Model);
    //Frames and features inherit from the X100frame class
		System.out.println("flame:" + this.getType());
		System.out.println("Feature:" + this.getFeature());
		System.out.println("Armor:" + this.Armor);
		System.out.println("Overall height:" + this.height + "m");
		System.out.println("weight:" + this.weight + "t");

	public void printDataPersonal() {
		for(int a = 0; a < WEAPON.length; a++ ) {
			System.out.print(WEAPON[a] + " ");

//Outputs armament when equipped with a striker pack
	public void printDataAile() {
		for(int a = 0; a < arrayAile.length; a++ ) {
			System.out.print(arrayAile[a] + " ");
	public void printDataSword() {
		for(int a = 0; a < arraySword.length; a++ ) {
			System.out.print(arraySword[a] + " ");
	public void printDataLauncher() {
		for(int a = 0; a < arrayLauncher.length; a++ ) {
			System.out.print(arrayLauncher[a] + " ");

Strike Gundam


package practice;

//Inherit the X100frame class and enable the interface Striker
public class DAGGER extends X100frame implements Striker {

	public DAGGER() {super("Strike Dagger"); }
//Features of the bare strike dagger only
	private String Model = "GAT-01A1";
	private String Armor = "Laminated armor (body only)";
	private double height = 18.00;
	private double weight = 57.05;
	private String WEAPON[] = {"Egerstern", "52mm cannon pod", "Beam carbine", "12.5mm anti-personnel machine gun x 2"};

//Method to output the features of the elementary strike dagger only
	public void printData() {
		System.out.println("Mobile suit name:" + this.getName());
		System.out.println("Model number:" + this.Model);
    //Frames and features inherit from the X100frame class
		System.out.println("flame:" + this.getType());
		System.out.println("Feature:" + this.getFeature());
		System.out.println("Armor:" + this.Armor);
		System.out.println("Overall height:" + this.height + "m");
		System.out.println("weight:" + this.weight + "t");

	public void printDataPersonal() {
		for(int a = 0; a < WEAPON.length; a++ ) {
			System.out.print(WEAPON[a] + " ");

//Outputs armament when equipped with a striker pack
	public void printDataAile() {
		for(int a = 0; a < arrayAile.length; a++ ) {
			System.out.print(arrayAile[a] + " ");
	public void printDataSword() {
		for(int a = 0; a < arraySword.length; a++ ) {
			System.out.print(arraySword[a] + " ");
	public void printDataLauncher() {
		for(int a = 0; a < arrayLauncher.length; a++ ) {
			System.out.print(arrayLauncher[a] + " ");

Strike Dagger

Creating a Factory class

Create an instance and call each method.


package practice;

public class Factory {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		STRIKE s = new STRIKE();
		DAGGER d = new DAGGER();

Output result

It was output like this.

Mobile suit name: Strike Gundam
Model number: GAT-X105
Frame: X100 series frame
Features: Striker pack system
Armor: Phase shift armor
Overall height: 17.72m
Weight: 64.8t

Armed list:
Egerstern Armor Schneider
57mm high energy beam rifle beam saber vs beam shield
15.78m anti-ship sword "Schwert Geber" Beam boomeran "Midas Messer" Rocket anchor "Panzer Eisen"
320mm ultra-high impulse gun "Agni" 120mm anti-ship Vulcan gun 350mm gun launcher

Mobile suit name: Strike Dagger
Model number: GAT-01A1
Frame: X100 series frame
Features: Striker pack system
Armor: Laminated armor (body only)
Overall height: 18.0m
Weight: 57.05t

Armed list:
Egerstern 52mm Cannon Pod Beam Carbine 12.5mm anti-personnel machine gun x 2
57mm high energy beam rifle beam saber vs beam shield
15.78m anti-ship sword "Schwert Geber" Beam boomeran "Midas Messer" Rocket anchor "Panzer Eisen"
320mm ultra-high impulse gun "Agni" 120mm anti-ship Vulcan gun 350mm gun launcher

That is all.

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