Compare Java 8 Optional with Swift


In this article, based on the items in the overview of Optional Apple Official Documentation, Swift's ʻOptional type and Java 8 ʻCompare Optional types. Although the content is a little refreshing now, I have posted it as a personal memorandum. End of article also includes a comparison table of each notation. Please look at them all together. The snippets in this article have been simplified a little, so some of them will not work even if you copy and paste them as they are. Please note.

Nil-Coalescing Operator


Unwrap ʻOptinalto return the contents, if any, or the specified default value otherwise. Use the operator??. You can also connect multiple ʻOptional types as operands.


let wrappedValue: String? = nil
let defaultValue = "default"
let value = wrappedValue ?? defaultValue
// "default"


let wrappedValue: String? = nil
let defaultValue = "default"

let otherWrappedValue: String? = nil
//As long as the right operand is Optional??Can be connected with
let value = wrappedValue ?? otherWrappedValue ?? defaultValue
// "default"

Java 8

In Java 8, the methods are ʻorElse and ʻorElseGet instead of operators. ʻOrElse passes the default value itself, and ʻorElseGet passes an object of typeSupplier <? Extends T>that provides the default value. However, both methods return a wrapped type, so you can't connect ** Optional types with ʻor Else like Swift **.


Optional<String> wrappedValue = Optional.empty();
String defaultValue = "default";
String value = wrappedValue.orElse(defaultValue);
// "default"

String otherValue = wrappedValue.orElseGet( () -> defaultValue );
// "default"


Optional<String> otherWrappedValue = Optional.of("other");
//I can't do this
// String unwrappedValue = wrappedValue.orElse(otherWrappedValue).orElse(defaultValue);

Short-circuit evaluation


Swift's Nil join operator evaluates short-circuit. Therefore, the right operand will not be evaluated unless the left operand is nil.


func hoge() -> String {
    return "hoge"

let value = nil ?? hoge()
// "called"
// "hoge"

//Since it is a short-circuit evaluation, hoge()Is not called
let value = "non nil" ?? hoge()
// "non nil"

Java 8

Java 8's ʻor Else Get is also short-circuit evaluation, but ** ʻor Else does not **. It's natural because the default value itself is passed.


public String hoge() {
    return "hoge";

String value = Optional.<String>empty().orElseGet(this::hoge);
// "called"
// "hoge"

//Since it is a short-circuit evaluation, hoge()Is not called
String value = Optional.of("non null").orElseGet(this::hoge);
// "non null"


//orElse does not evaluate short circuit
String value = Optional.of("non null").orElse(hoge());
// "called"
// "non null"

Regarding proper use, if it costs money to generate the default value, it is better to use ʻorElseGet` for short-circuit evaluation.


public String fetchValue() {
    //Time-consuming process
    return result;

// △ -Be sure to fetchValue()Is called, so at least it affects performance
String value = wrappedValue.orElse(fetchValue());
// ◯ -Since it is a short-circuit evaluation, it will not be called if there is content
String value = wrappedValue.orElseGet(this::fetchValue);


// △ -If there is content, it will be useless object generation
Person person = wrappedPerson.orElse(new Person());
// ◯ -Since it is a short-circuit evaluation, no object will be created if there is content
Person person = wrappedPerson.orElseGet(Person::new);

Unconditional Unwrapping


Unwraps the value with or without content. Use the operator !. If it is nil, it will cause a run-time error.


let number = Int("42")!
// 42

Java 8

Java 8 uses the get method. If it is null, an unchecked exception NoSuchElementException is thrown.


public Optional<Integer> intFromString(String string) {
    try {
        return Optional.of(Integer.parseInt(string));
    } catch (NumberFormatException ignored) {
        return Optional.empty();

int number = intFromString("42").get();
// 42



Convert the value. Use a method called map. If there is content, it will convert the value according to the given (Wrapped)-> U type closure, and if it is nil, it will flow as nil. Therefore, it returns the ʻOptional` type.


let intString: String? = "42"
let percentage: String? = { "\($0)%" }
print(String(describing: percentage))
// Optional("42%")

If you want to return a ʻOptional type in a closure, use the flatMapmethod that takes a closure of type(Wrapped)-> Optional ` as an argument.


let intString: String? = "42"
// Int(String)Is an int?return it
let integer: Int? = intString.flatMap { Int($0) }
print(String(describing: integer))
// Optional(42)

Java 8

Java 8 also uses the methods map and flatMap. The usage is the same.


Optional<String> intString = Optional.of("42");
Optional<String> percentage = str -> str + "%" );
// Optional[42%]


Optional<String> intString = Optional.of("42");
Optional<Integer> integer = intString.flatMap(this::intFromString);
// Optional[42]

Optional Binding


I think it is familiar as a safe unwrapping method. By combining with keywords such as ʻif and guard`, you can branch the process depending on whether there is content or not.


let wrappedValue: String? = "value"
if let value: String = wrappedValue {
} else {
    print("no value")
// "value"


let wrappedValue: String? = "value"
guard let value: String = wrappedValue else {
    print("no value")
// "value"

Java 8

In Java 8, you can safely unwrap it via a method called ʻifPresent. It takes an object of type Consumer <? Super T>` as an argument and describes the processing when there is a content in it.


Optional<String> wrappedValue = Optional.of("value");
wrappedValue.ifPresent( str -> {
// "value"

However, there is no ** method that can describe the processing when there is no content **. Therefore, if you want to describe both processes, you need to use ʻis Presentto check the existence of the contents. However, it is redundant compared to ** Swift because you have to explicitly describe the forced unwrapget` if there is content **.


Optional<String> wrappedValue = Optional.of("value");
if (wrappedValue.isPresent()) {
    //Redundant but must be explicitly forced unwrapped
    String value = wrappedValue.get();
} else {
    System.out.println("no value");
// "value"


Optional<String> wrappedValue = Optional.of("value");
//Describe in card clause
if (!wrappedValue.isPresent()) {
    System.out.println("no value");
//Redundant but must be explicitly forced unwrapped
String value = wrappedValue.get();
// "value"


Optional<String> wrappedValue = Optional.of("value");
wrappedValue.ifPresent( str -> {
})// .orElse( () -> { //I can't do this
//     System.out.println("no value");
// })

Also, since the scope of the process passed to ʻifPresent is within the lambda expression, the calling method cannot be returned within that process. Therefore, if you want to make an early return, you have no choice but to use ʻis Present.


public boolean foo(Optional<String> wrappedValue) {
    //Return early if there is a value
    if (wrappedValue.isPresent) {
        String str = wrappedValue.get();
        //Do something
        return true;
    //What to do if there is no value
    return result;


public boolean foo(Optional<String> wrappedValue) {
    //Return early if there is a value
    wrappedValue.ifPresent( str -> {
        //Do something
//         return true; //This is not possible because the scope is in this lambda expression
    //What to do if there is no value
    return result;

Optional Chaining


Access properties and methods only when there is content. Use the postfix operator ?.


let wrappedValue: String? = "value"
let uppercased: String? = wrappedValue?.uppercased()
print(String(describing: uppercased))
// Optional("VALUE")


class Hoge {
    func hoge() { print("hoge") }

let wrappedValue: Hoge? = Hoge()
// "hoge"

Java 8

In Java 8, you can use the map method introduced earlier. If the target is a method, you can write it concisely using method references. However, if the target returns a ʻOptional type, you must use flatMap`.


Optional<String> wrappedValue = Optional.of("value");
Optional<String> uppercased =;
// Optional[VALUE]


class User {
    final String id;
    Optional<String> mail = Optional.empty();
    User(String id) { = id; }

Optional<User> wrappedUser = Optional.of(new User("user1"));
Optional<String> mail = wrappedUser.flatMap( user -> user.mail );
// Optional.empty

It is exactly the same notation as when using Convert, including how to use it properly. Java 8 does not provide any special notation or method just to access the field or method of the wrapped value. To access a method that does not return a value, use ʻifPresent` introduced earlier.


class Hoge {
    void hoge() { System.out.println("hoge"); }

Optional<Hoge> wrappedValue = Optional.of(new Hoge());
// "hoge"


In this article, we compared Java 8 and ʻOptional types based on the handling of ʻOptional types in Swift. Below is a comparison table of each notation. Especially when it comes to optional binding and optional chaining, the difference between the two is very apparent. Java 8 optional binding is a bit more verbose than Swift because it can't be unwrapped at the same time as branching. Also, Java 8 doesn't provide a dedicated way to access wrapped values like the Swift ? Operator.

Swift Java
Nil join operator ?? orElse* Non-short circuit evaluation
Forced unwrap ! get
conversion map
Optional binding if let
guard let
OrisPresentAfter branching atgetForced unwrap with
Optional chaining ? OptionalIf you want to return the typeflatMap
If you return anything elsemap
If it does not return a valueifPresent

If you have any mistakes, please let us know in the comments.

Bonus-Java 9 Optional

Here we introduce the ʻOptional methods, ʻor and ʻifPresentOrElse`, added in Java 9. I can't talk about Java 8. It's a complete bonus.


Executes an object of type Supplier <? extends Optional <? extends T >> given when it is empty to get the default value of type ʻOptional. This corresponds to just bringing the ʻOptional type to the right operand in Swift's Nil join operator. Also, because of ** short-circuit evaluation **, the given Supplier object will not be executed as long as it has contents.


let wrappedValue: String? = nil
let defaultValue = "default"

let otherWrappedValue: String? = nil
let value = wrappedValue ?? otherWrappedValue ?? defaultValue
// "default"


// available Java 9 or later
Optional<String> wrappedValue = Optional.empty();
String defaultValue = "default";

Optional<String> otherWrappedValue = Optional.empty();
//Optional type can be specified as the default value in Java 9 or later
String value = wrappedValue.or( () -> otherWrappedValue ).orElse(defaultValue);
// "default"


You can branch the process depending on whether it has contents or not. If there is content, an object of type Consumer <? Super T> will be executed, otherwise an object of type Runnable will be executed. Since you can also describe the processing when it is null, it is much closer to Swift's optional binding compared to Java 8.


let wrappedValue: String? = "value"
if let value = wrappedValue {
} else {
    print("no value")
// "value"


// available Java 9 or later
Optional<String> wrappedValue = Optional.<String>empty();
wrappedValue.ifPresentOrElse( str -> {
}, () -> {
    System.out.println("no value");
// "no value"

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