Implementation of game theory-Prisoner's dilemma- Than

Try to implement

like this 2x2 game with 2 players and 2 choices Let's implement an algorithm in Python that selects rational actions in.

Implementation example 1

First of all, the gain matrix of this game WS000001.jpg 2D array

[ [-4,-4] , [0,-10],
  [-10,0] , [-7,-7] ]

Expressed in.

At this time, what should be compared

Player A eyes -[0] [0] or [1] [0] Which is larger -[2] [0] or [3] [0] Which is larger


Player B eyes -[0] [1] or [2] [1] Which is larger -[1] [1] or [3] [1] Which is larger


-------------------- Writing ---------------------------- ------

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