Solve AtCoder Beginner Contest159 D --Banned K (ABC159D) with python (count is too slow!)

When I used the count method of python normally, I did TLE, so when I tried using Counter, I was able to AC.


Below is the answer using Counter.

import sys
from collections import Counter
C=Counter(L)           #Included in L{letter:Number of appearances}I will come back with the dictionary type of
for a in C.values():   #Extract only the value (number of occurrences)
  x += int(a*(a-1)/2)  
for K in range(N):
  print(x-C[L[K]]+1)   #Subtract the combination containing K from all the same number of combinations

Below is the TLE answer. Will it be faster with a little tinkering?

import sys
for i in range(len(C)):
  a = L.count(C[i])
  x += int(a*(a-1)/2)  
for K in range(N):

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