[JAVA] Get validation results with Spring Boot

How to get Form validation result in Spring Boot


@Data public class SampleForm {  @NotBlank  @Size(max=100)  private String str; }

When BindingResult is declared as an argument of Controller method and the return value of hasErrors method is true This means that a Form validation error has occurred.


@Controller public class SampleController {  @RequestMapping(value = "/Sample", method = RequestMethod.POST)   public String sample(@Validated @ModelAttribute SampleForm form, BindingResult bindingResult, Model model) {    if (bindingResult.hasErrors()) {     List errorMessage = new ArrayList<>();     List errorList = bindingResult.getFieldErrors();     for (FieldError error : errorList) {      String field = "";      if (StringUtils.equals(error.getField(), "str")) { field = "input string";      }      if (StringUtils.equals(error.getCode(), "NotBlank")) { errorMessage.add (field + "not entered");      } else if (StringUtils.equals(error.getCode(), "Size")) { errorMessage.add (field + "number of digits is out of range");      }    }    model.addAttribute("errorList", errorMessage);

return "sampleHtml";   }  } }

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