[JAVA] Database linkage with doma2 (Spring boot)

What is Doma2

Used for database access. The features are as follows. According to Official (https://doma.readthedocs.io/en/stable/)

Doma 2 is a database access framework for Java 8 and above. Doma has many advantages.

-Use annotation processing to validate and generate source code at compile time. · Map database columns to user-defined Java objects. -Use a SQL template called "2-way SQL". · Supports Java 8 introduced classes such as java.time.LocalDate, java.util.Optional and java.util.stream.Stream ・ Independent of other libraries

Most of it is still translated, so Japanese may be a little strange. .. ..

The major advantages are the following two points -No dependency on libraries other than JRE (sensitive to dependencies ww) -All SQL can be managed in a file (is it loosely coupled?) This is an opinion I have used, but I thought that managing it with a SQL file has the advantage of preventing ** excessive commonality **. Too much commonality can be confusing.


There was an official sample project, so I think this is easy to understand. Official sample The main required configuration is -Dao (Dao is an interface for database access) -Entity (a class that represents (but not only) a table) -SQL file (query) Will be.

Define a method for CRUD processing in Dao.


package com.example.dao;

import com.example.entity.MstEmployee;
import com.example.entity.UserEntity;
import org.seasar.doma.Dao;
import org.seasar.doma.Insert;
import org.seasar.doma.Select;
import org.seasar.doma.boot.ConfigAutowireable;
import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional;

import java.util.List;

/**Employee master Dao interface. */
public interface MstEmployeeDao {

  List<MstEmployee> selectAll();

  MstEmployee selectOne(String id);

  UserEntity selectUser(String id);

  int insert(MstEmployee mstEmployee);

Let's make the query you want to make with this method into a SQL file. It is how to use. Place the SQL file in META-INF by creating a folder hierarchy in the same way aspackage com.example.dao;in the above class and ** make the file name the same as the method name. ** (extension is sql)

You can easily understand it by looking at the tree of the sample project.


├── pom.xml ...Maven config file
└── src
    ├── main
    │   ├── java
    │   │   └── com
    │   │       └── example
    │   │           ├── App.java  ...Application executable
    │   │           ├── SecurityConfig.java  ...Security configuration file
    │   │           ├── dao  ...Doma2 DAO class storage package
    │   │           │   ├── MstEmployeeDao.java
    │   │           │   ├── MstNewsDao.java
    │   │           │   └── MstRoleDao.java
    │   │           ├── dto
    │   │           │   └── NewsDto.java
    │   │           ├── entity  ...Doma2 Entity class storage package
    │   │           │   ├── AuditEntity.java
    │   │           │   ├── MstEmployee.java
    │   │           │   ├── MstNews.java
    │   │           │   ├── MstRole.java
    │   │           │   ├── UserEntity.java
    │   │           │   └── listener
    │   │           │       └── AuditListener.java
    │   │           ├── security  ...Spring Security authentication function
    │   │           │   ├── LoginUserDetails.java
    │   │           │   ├── LoginUserDetailsService.java
    │   │           │   └── UserInfo.java
    │   │           ├── service  ...Service class storage package
    │   │           │   ├── NewsService.java
    │   │           │   └── NewsServiceImpl.java
    │   │           └── web ...Spring MVC controller class storage package
    │   │               ├── LoginController.java
    │   │               ├── NewsController.java
    │   │               ├── TopController.java
    │   │               └── manager
    │   │                   ├── NewsForm.java
    │   │                   ├── NewsManagerEditController.java
    │   │                   ├── NewsManagerListController.java
    │   │                   └── NewsManagerRegisterController.java
    │   └── resources
    │       ├── META-INF
    │       │   └── com
    │       │       └── example
    │       │           └── dao ...Doma2 SQL file storage package
    │       │               ├── MstEmployeeDao
    │       │               │   ├── selectAll.sql
    │       │               │   ├── selectOne.sql
    │       │               │   └── selectUser.sql
    │       │               ├── MstNewsDao
    │       │               │   ├── selectAll.sql
    │       │               │   ├── selectNewsDtoByCond.sql
    │       │               │   └── selectOneNewsDto.sql
    │       │               └── MstRoleDao
    │       │                   └── selectAll.sql
    │       ├── ValidationMessages.properties ...Validation check message configuration file
    │       ├── application.yml ...Application configuration file
    │       ├── data.sql ...DDL statement to execute at startup
    │       ├── messages.properties ...Form property replacement configuration file for validation check message
    │       ├── schema.sql ...DML statement to execute at startup
    │       ├── static ...Static file storage folder directly under the context root at runtime
    │       │   ├── css
    │       │   │   └── lib ...CSS library storage folder
    │       │   │       ├── bootstrap-theme.min.css
    │       │   │       └── bootstrap.min.css
    │       │   ├── fonts ...Font storage folder(Bootstrap)
    │       │   │   ├── glyphicons-halflings-regular.eot
    │       │   │   ├── glyphicons-halflings-regular.svg
    │       │   │   ├── glyphicons-halflings-regular.ttf
    │       │   │   ├── glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff
    │       │   │   └── glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff2
    │       │   ├── js
    │       │   │   └── lib ...JavaScript library storage folder
    │       │   │       └── bootstrap.min.js
    │       │   └── movie
    │       │       ├── sample
    │       │       │   └── nc144421.mp4
    │       │       └── thumbnail
    │       │           ├── nc144421.jpg
    │       │           └── nc144555.jpg
    │       └── templates ...Thymeleaf template storage folder
    │           ├── learning
    │           │   └── learning.html
    │           ├── loginForm.html
    │           ├── manager
    │           │   ├── managerLayout.html
    │           │   └── news
    │           │       ├── edit
    │           │       │   ├── newsEditComplete.html
    │           │       │   ├── newsEditConfirm.html
    │           │       │   └── newsEditInput.html
    │           │       ├── list
    │           │       │   └── newsList.html
    │           │       └── register
    │           │           ├── newsRegisterComplete.html
    │           │           ├── newsRegisterConfirm.html
    │           │           └── newsRegisterInput.html
    │           ├── news
    │           │   └── news.html
    │           └── top
    │               └── top.html
    └── test ...Test code storage folder
        └── java
            └── com
                └── example
                    └── service
                        └── NewsServiceImplTest.java

How to write parameters

You can bind the variables of Dao class and the variables of the sql file by writing the sql file as follows.


FROM mst_employee
  employee_id = /* id */'employee_id';

Furthermore, the dynamic condition can be expressed by writing as follows. You can use if statements and annotations.


  n.mst_news_id id,
  n.role_id role_id,
  r.role_name role_nm,
  n.subject subject,
  n.url url,
  n.version version
  mst_news n
  mst_role r
  n.role_id = r.role_id
/*%if @isNotEmpty(url) */
    n.url LIKE /* @prefix(url) */'http'
/*%if @isNotEmpty(subject) */
    n.subject LIKE /* @prefix(subject) */'today'
/*%if @isNotEmpty(roleId) */
    n.role_id = /* roleId */'01'

I used JPA for database access in Spring boot, but this one seems to be the standard.

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