Hello. This time I will write an article on how to deploy a war file on Heroku. This time, after generating a war file in Eclipse, deploy the war file to Heroku.
You can deploy with three. ① Heroku account ② Developed Java application ③Eclipse
"Create new app"-> Enter the app name in App name-> Press "Setting"-> Press "Add Buildpack"-> Select "Java" This time, the app name is "HerokuSampleProject".
Right-click the project for which you want to generate a war file → click "Export" → click "war file"
Then, a pop-up like the image below will be displayed, so after selecting the destination (this time I made it Desktop), press "Finish"
This time, the war file name is "HerokuSample.war". I'm sorry, the file name is "NewAccountBook_0307" in the image, but please ignore it ... Don't say it's a dumb name. Thank you very much.
$ cd Desktop
$ heroku login
$ heroku deploy:war --war HerokuSample.war --app HerokuSampleProject;
did it! !! !!
that's all. The war file was easy to deploy on Heroku, so I wrote this article.
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