Calculation of similarity by MinHash

I implemented a sample of similarity calculation by MinHash.

Reference Fast and space-saving similarity judgment by b-Bit Min Hash

According to the above literature, MurmurHash3 (python wrapper) for hash calculation. ) Was used.

# -*- coding: utf-8

import mmh3

MIN_HASH_VALUE = 2 ** 128

def min_hash(words, seed):
    min_hash_word = None
    min_hash_value = MIN_HASH_VALUE

    for word in words:
        hash_ = mmh3.hash128(word, seed)
        if hash_ < min_hash_value:
            min_hash_word = word
            min_hash_value = hash_

    return min_hash_word

def get_score(s1, s2, k):
    """Get the similarity between s1 and s2 using min-hash algorithm

    k: the number of hash functions
    num_match = 0

    for seed in xrange(k):
        if min_hash(s1, seed) == min_hash(s2, seed):
            num_match += 1

    return float(num_match) / k

def main():
    s1 = ['a', 'b']
    s2 = ['a']
    s3 = ['b']
    # a-z
    s4 = [chr(ascii) for ascii in xrange(97, 123)]

    k = 2 ** 10

    # Should be ~0.074
    print get_score(s1, s4, k)
    # Should be ~0.370
    print get_score(s2, s4, k)
    # Should be ~0.370
    print get_score(s3, s4, k)

if __name__ == '__main__':
[yamaneko]$ time python 

real    0m0.112s
user    0m0.076s
sys     0m0.015s

When the value of k was increased, the value converged, but the calculation time increased.

Next, I want to implement b-bit Min Hash.

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