Programmer's way of thinking is from XX book (Python)

Since you commented on the post the other day, I immediately made use of my reflection I will do my best to continue the reference book (while googled (´Д`))

Display half of the square > Using only two output statements, textcout << "#" and cout << "\ n", Hash symbol (#) for a 5 x 5 square Let's write a program to make a half shape (right triangle)

Answer ``` >>> str = '#####' >>> for i in range(5,0,-1): ... slice = str[:i] ... print(slice) ... ##### #### ### ## # >>>

 By the way, I don't know the for sentence, but while moving the previous comment with copy
 I adjusted it.

 If it is a while statement

str = '#####' i = 5 while i > 0: ... slice = str[:i] ... print(slice) ... i -= 1 ...

 What do you think?
 I will continue next time.

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