Programmer's way of thinking is from XX book (Python)


Problem: Show sideways triangle > Using only two output statements, cout << "#" and cout << "\ n", Let's write a program to make a sideways triangle with a hash symbol (#)

Until the last problem, I used to use one liner, In my current situation, it doesn't fit or has been executed Since it was not organized, I wrote it in a file and executed it as follows. (Maybe the real answer is more nesting, I think I can write it well, Cannot m (_ _) m)

Answer below

#!/usr/bin/env python

str = "####"
for i in range(1,5,1):
    slice = str[:i]

for i in range(3,0,-1):
    slice = str[:i]
・ ・ ・
$ python

I feel very delicate.

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