High Performance Django --Model

I learned a lot from reading High Perfomance Django, so a memorandum.

Reduce the number of queries

Please use this properly. During development, check the published query in the Django Debug Toolbar.

Shorter query execution time

Foreign Keys Generic Foreign Keys are useful, but they sometimes throw queries with poor performance behind the scenes. Sometimes you should put your own foreign key.

cached_propety Cache is enabled for properties that are costly to execute & are called many times. https://docs.djangoproject.com/ja/1.9/ref/utils/

Handles small objects

If the results you get are huge, use them to improve your performance.

Query cache

These two were introduced in the book, but Jonny Cache has stopped development. (It seems that it can not be used with Django 1.5 or higher ...)

If you make your own, the Abstruct Cached Model introduced on gumi's blog will be helpful. Model with cache function in Django --gumi Engineer ’s Blog


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