Django Model with left outer join


Note that it was difficult to find information on Left outer join in Django's ORM.

Speaking of joins in Django's ORM

I often use select_related () and prefetch_related () to pull items that the model specifies as foreign keys.

class User(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField()

class Comment(models.Model):
    user = models.ForeignKey(User, null=True)
    content = models.CharField()

For example, if such a model is defined, it can be pulled as follows.

comment = Comment.objects.select_related().first()

It seems that reverse lookup is possible if only one data is used as a reference.

comments = User.objects.get(pk=1).comment_set.all()
# id=You can extract a comment that holds 1 User

If you do something like ↑, you'll find that Django joins are mostly Inner joins. What do you do with outer join after starting to operate the aggregation system? It will be.

left outer join method

comments = Comment.objects.filter(user__isnull=True)

That's right.


I checked it once but forgot it, so I wrote it down. It is important that the items are declared with models.ForeignKey () to combine. (Otherwise you can't do something like

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