Getting Started with Django with PyCharm

I haven't touched Python so much and am quite a beginner, but I will study it little by little.

Django Tutorial

I will proceed while referring to.

Development environment

Project creation

We will proceed on the assumption that Python is already installed.

Start Pycharm> New Project> Select Django

After deciding "Location" and "Interpreter", the project will be created with the "Create" button.

At this time, even if Django is not installed, it will be installed automatically.

The project you just created in PyCharm should look like the following if it is named "mysite".

I won't explain each file in Creating your first Django app, part 1.

Start development server

Launching from PyCharm is simple, just click the "Run" button in the upper right corner of the editor to launch the server.

Starting from Terminal

C: /.../mysite/ runserver port number

But you can.


Django version 1.10, using settings 'mysite.settings'
Starting development server at

You'll see something like this, and when you access it, you'll see a page that says "It worked!". The development server is now up and running.

Application creation

Now let's create an application from PyCharm using the task.

Tools > Run Task...(Ctrl+Alt+R)

You will see something like a task command tool under the editor.>

This is the same as doing the python command in Terminal, and remembering the shortcuts will save you from having to type python every time in Terminal.

Then the command to automatically generate the application "polls" is>startapp polls

Now in the same directory as

Is made.


This makes it easier to develop your Django project with PyCharm.

Subsequent view creation etc. should work if you follow the tutorial.

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