Repeatedly judge the size of N elements
Normally, if you look at each one, you can shorten the place where the order of O (N) is taken to O (log N).
outer values
from both ends of all sorted elements. (= If the initial value is set to both ends, that point will not be evaluated, so it will be invalid if all are True / False)Which side is True / False when the sorted list is screened according to the conditions.
Condition judgment
def is_ok(mid: int):
#Play things that are not in the search target first(If it's a list index, it's out of range.)
if mid < 0:
return True | False # ※1
elif mid >= N:
return True | False
return True | False #Result of judgment condition
True ----||---- False
→ True
False ----||---- True
→ False
Search execution part
def binSearch(ok: int, ng: int):
#print(ok, ng) #First binary state
while abs(ok - ng) > 1: #End condition (when the difference is 1 and the boundary is found)
mid = (ok + ng) // 2
if is_ok(mid):
ok = mid #If mid meets the conditions, it is ok up to mid, so bring ok to the middle
ng = mid #If mid does not meet the conditions, ng is up to mid, so bring ng to the middle
#print(ok, ng) #Binary state for each cut in half
return ok #It is basically ok to take out.(Depending on the problem)
#Search range is 0~Up to N.
INF = N + 1
binSearch(-1, INF)
INF = 10 ** 9 + 1
def main():
A, B, X = map(int, input().split())
# True - ng - ok - False
def is_ok(mid: int):
#Judgment conditions
if mid < 0:
return True
elif mid >= INF:
return False
return A * mid + B * len(str(mid)) <= X
def binSearch(ok: int, ng: int):
#print(ok, ng)
while abs(ok - ng) > 1:
mid = (ok + ng) // 2
if is_ok(mid):
ok = mid
ng = mid
#print(ok, ng)
return ok
print(binSearch(0, INF))
def main():
N = int(input())
L = [int(i) for i in input().split()]
# True ---- False
def is_ok_top(mid: int, a: int, b: int):
if mid < 0:
return True
elif mid >= N:
return False
return L[mid] < L[a] + L[b]
def binSearch_top(ok: int, ng: int, a: int, b: int):
while abs(ok - ng) > 1:
mid = (ok + ng) // 2
if is_ok_top(mid, a, b):
ok = mid
ng = mid
return ok
count = 0
for a in range(0, len(L) - 2):
for b in range(a + 1, len(L) - 1):
count += binSearch_top(-1, INF, a, b) - b
(TLE if it is not PyPy.)
def solve(N: int, A: "List[int]", B: "List[int]", C: "List[int]"):
#Maximum value+Set to 1
INF = N + 1
# True - ok - ng - False
def is_ok(mid: int, b: int):
#Judgment conditions
if mid < 0:
return True
elif mid >= N:
return False
return A[mid] < b
# False - ng - ok - True
def is_ok2(mid: int, b: int):
#Judgment conditions
if mid < 0:
return False
elif mid >= N:
return True
return C[mid] > b
def binSearch(ok: int, ng: int, b: int):
#print(ok, ng)
while abs(ok - ng) > 1:
mid = (ok + ng) // 2
if is_ok(mid, b):
ok = mid
ng = mid
#print(ok, ng)
return ok
def binSearch2(ok: int, ng: int, b: int):
#print(ok, ng)
while abs(ok - ng) > 1:
mid = (ok + ng) // 2
if is_ok2(mid, b):
ok = mid
ng = mid
#print(ok, ng)
return ok
sum = 0
for b in B:
a = binSearch(-1, INF, b) - 0 + 1
c = N - 1 - binSearch2(INF, -1, b) + 1
sum += a * c
#print(b, "->", a, c)
More precisely, "The problem of finding the Kth when arranging in a row. However, when it is too large to enumerate all the elements."
ARC037 C -100 million mass calculation
This problem can be solved by sorting N ^ 2 numbers to find the Kth, but up to 9 * 10 ^ 8 TLE. Therefore, we change the way we perceive the problem. Find the Kth number X. = There are K numbers less than that number X. Binary search on condition that the number of products X or less is K or more.
When finding the 5th (K = 5) of 1,1,2,2,2,2,2,4,4.
2 at X = 1 (<5) → No 7 at X = 2 (> = 5) → ok
The fifth is found to be 2.
INF = 10 ** 18 + 1
def main():
N, K = map(int, input().split())
A = sorted([int(i) for i in input().split()])
B = sorted([int(i) for i in input().split()])
# False - ng - ok - True
def is_ok(mid: int):
#Judgment conditions
if mid < 0:
return False
elif mid >= INF:
return True
count = 0
for a in A:
maxb = mid // a #The maximum value of b that is less than or equal to the value mid when the product is taken for each a
count += bisect_right(B, maxb) #If the index is obtained from the sorted B, the product of all b before that is n or less, and the number is obtained.
return count >= K
def binSearch(ok: int, ng: int):
#print(ok, ng)
while abs(ok - ng) > 1:
mid = (ok + ng) // 2
if is_ok(mid):
ok = mid
ng = mid
#print(ok, ng)
return ok
print(binSearch(INF, 0))
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