Pipenv usage summary (for myself)


It's okay to see the details by looking at other people's articles, but I thought that there are few things that can be understood in one article as to what can be done during development. I tried to summarize that it is not enough for everyone to understand, but that it is enough for me.



Until Pipenv is installed Look at this

How to use


For Python 3 series

$ pipenv --python 3

Package installation

$ pipenv install django
$ pipenv install numpy==1.17.4  #Specify the version


django = "*"
numpy = "1.17.4"

When installing the development package

$ pipenv install --dev flake8


flake8 = "*"

Building the environment

I'll do a bundle install ~

$ pipenv install
$ pipenv install --dev #For development

When you want to reproduce the environment from Pipfile.lock

$ pipenv sync

Version upgrade of installed packages

$ pipenv update


Edit Pipfile by yourself and write as below.


main = "python main.py"

Run scripts

$ pipenv run main

In addition, it can be executed individually without entering the virtual environment.

$ pipenv run python main.py

Virtual environment

Do you want to create .venv under the project directory? ?? ?? So



After that how to use

$ pipenv shell   #Virtual environment
$ exit           #Exit
$ pipenv --venv  #Virtual environment path
$ pipenv --rm    #Delete virtual environment


I think there are people who write more properly, but I have summarized the ones I use for the time being.

To be honest, I've just started Python, so I just researched and summarized it, and I wrote it appropriately, so please think about it like this.

Seriously, you should read and understand the ones you know (oversized boomerang).

It's a little off topic, but isn't it a stable version of WSL2 soon? Use docker ~~

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