I tried using YOLO v4 on Ubuntu and ROS


Recently, YOLOv5 (although there seems to be pros and cons) came out, so I decided to change from YOLOv3 to YOLOv4, which is a little outdated, but I could not find a setup article in the ROS (Robot Operating System) environment. I will summarize it as a memorandum.

Summary of each version of YOLO (Qiita)

Execution environment

This time, we confirmed the operation on Ubuntu 16.04 and Ubuntu 18.04. Details are below.

OS Ubuntu16.04.6 LTS Ubuntu18.04.5 LTS
CPU Intel Core i7-8700 Intel Core i5-6500
GPU Geforce GTX 1080 Ti Geforce GTX 960
ROS Kinetic 1.12.14 Merodic 1.14.9
Nvidia Driver 450.51.06 440.100
CUDA(toolkit) 8.0 10.2
cuDNN 7 7

This time, we will proceed on the premise that the above environment is in place.


Currently, evacuate the ** darknet_ros package ** under ** ~ / catkin_ws / src / **. Create a backup directory (YOLOv3 this time) in your home directory and move it there.


#Please execute line by line

$ cd
$ mkdir YOLOv3
$ cd ~/catkin_ws/src
$ mv darknet_ros ~/YOLOv3

Next, clone the ** darknet_ros ** package for YOLO v4 by referring to the following. YOLO V4 for darknet_ros When I cloned with the command written in the link destination, ** yolov4-for-darknet_ros package **, a package one level higher than darknet_ros, was installed, and in my case catkin_make did not pass. I changed it to the following and it worked.


$ cd ~/catkin_ws/src
$ git clone --recursive https://github.com/Tossy0423/darknet_ros.git
$ cd ..
$ catkin_make

If make passes, you're done.


This ** darknet_ros uses ** uvc_camera ** as the driver for the ** USB camera. In my case, I'm using ** usb_cam ** as a driver, so I had to change the camera node that darknet received when testing.

Change before

1 subscribers:
3  camera_reading:
4    topic: /camera/rgb/image_row
5    queue_size: 1

After change

1 subscribers:
3  camera_reading:
4    topic: /usb_cam/image_row
5    queue_size: 1


I tried an operation test.


#Run on two terminals

# darknet_ros node launch
$ roslaunch darknet_ros yolov4.launch

#Launch camera node
$ roslaunch usb_cam usb_cam-test.launch


I was able to display it nicely. that's all.

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