Docker x Laravel Insanely slow Docker for Windows explodes

@ ucan-lab's [Docker x Laravel makes Docker for Mac explode]( Proposal 4 of a88e2e5c2a79f2426163) was verified on Windows 10.

Proposal 4. Use volume mount

-[JavaScript] How to make npm / yarn operation on Docker 10 times faster

A plan to store vendor and node_modules data in a named volume and manage it separately from the host side and container side. Since synchronization processing does not occur, it will be faster.

Add the volume mount settings to docker-compose.yml and compare the composer and npm installations. This article will not touch on why it is faster.


We are comparing the speeds of composer install and npm install respectively.

$ time composer install
real    6m26.446s  -> 0m57.445s  # 6.7 times
user    0m9.375s   -> 0m3.035s
sys     0m51.148s  -> 0m1.544s

$ time npm install
real    1m31.764s  -> 0m22.720s  # 4.0 times
user    0m46.022s  -> 0m23.705s
sys     0m32.465s  -> 0m13.917s

It's 4-7 times faster in Windows 10 environment! It wasn't 20 times as fast as the referrer Mac, but I'm happy that it's fast enough with just a few lines added!


Host OS environment

--Windows 10 Home version 2004 (OS build 19041.508)

The following article will be helpful for building the environment. Windows Subsystem for Linux Installation Guide for Windows 10 Using WSL 2 + Docker on Windows 10 Home | Qiita


Validate using Laravel + Nginx + MySQL development environment. For details, see Blog.

composer and package.json are in the state from project creation to installation of Inertia of laravel / jetstream.

Docker-compose.yml to verify

The speed is compared with and without the comment ʻadd` line.

version: '3'

volumes: # add
  vendor-store: # add
  node_modules-store: # add

    container_name: php
    build: ./docker/php
    - ./web:/var/www
    - vendor-store:/var/www/laravel/vendor # add
    - node_modules-store:/var/www/laravel/node_modules # add
      TZ: Asia/Tokyo

    image: nginx
    container_name: nginx
    - 80:80
    - ./web:/var/www
    - ./docker/nginx/default.conf:/etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf
    - php

    image: mysql:8.0
    container_name: db
      MYSQL_DATABASE: database
      MYSQL_USER: docker
      MYSQL_PASSWORD: docker
      TZ: 'Asia/Tokyo'
    command: mysqld --character-set-server=utf8mb4 --collation-server=utf8mb4_unicode_ci
    - ./docker/db/data:/var/lib/mysql
    - ./docker/db/my.cnf:/etc/mysql/conf.d/my.cnf
    - ./docker/db/sql:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d
    - 3306:3306

The execution procedure is the same as the reference source. Please read the path.

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