Previously, I wrote about the problem that "Docker for Mac" is slow in the following article, but I could not expect improvement depending on "Docker for Mac" and it was not usable when I continued to use "edge". It was authentication. [Docker For Mac is slow]: [Docker For Mac is slow: Experiment of countermeasures]:
I tried docker-sync. The speed was very effective, but I have configured [Multiple projects in one local development environment]( % 20% 2B% 20% E9% 96% 8B% E7% 99% BA% E7% 92% B0% E5% A2% 83) If it works, there are too many files and directories to monitor. The use of processors and memory has made it heavier for listing.
I think it would be good if the specifications of the Mac were high and resources were available. When docker-sync is started, it may take time if there are many monitoring files.
I installed and used "" on the "Raspberry Pi Model 3 B +" I bought as a toy before. ..
There is a change in the image used to run on Raspbian, but the README has not been updated until, but "[Create an improved development environment](https://fatty-rabbit.tistory. If you refer to "com / 14? Category = 836398)".
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