I want to make fits from my head


I will keep a record when I think that I have become friends with fits, which is often used in astronomical data. I made this from scratch to learn what fits are.

First, fits is a file format often used for astronomical data, and consists of two parts: a header part that stores information such as coordinates and frequencies, and a data part that stores information obtained from observations. For more information on wikipedia ... (escape) https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/FITS

Creating fits

Creating fits that I was worried about for some reason. Is this really the way to go? .. .. I want to believe it is good. Here is a script that creates fits with an array of [100, 100] for the time being.


import numpy as np
from astropy.io import fits

x = 100      #x_axis pixel number
y = 100      #y_axis pixel number
z = 100      #z_axis pixel number

###Creating an array###
#3D time
data = np.zeros((z, y, x), dtype=np.float32)
#Two-dimensional time
#data = np.zeros((y, x), dtype=np.float32)

hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(data = data)

#Save the fits you made

When making fits of 3D cube, change the part of "** Create array **". In this state, the header has not been inserted yet, so even if it is displayed with ds9 etc., it will only come out as dull. スクリーンショット 2019-11-28 0.05.13.png

Let's put in the header. You can now add headers.

Add header


hdu.header['keyword'] = 'something' #At the time of keyword
hdu.header['keyword'] = something   #When entering numerical information such as coordinates

As a trial, it has a 100x100 array and WCS: Galactic center position 00:00:00.00 00:00:00.00 gal beamsize 20.0 arcsec gridsize 10.0 arcsec Let's make fits.


import numpy as np
from astropy.io import fits

x = 100      #x_axis pixel number
y = 100      #y_axis pixel number
z = 100      #z_axis pixel number

beamsize = 20.0 #arcsec

###Creating an array###
#3D time
data = np.zeros((z, y, x), dtype=np.float32)
#Two-dimensional time
data = np.zeros((y, x), dtype=np.float32)

hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(data = data)

#List of headers you want to put
hdu.header['BITPIX']  =                  -64                                                 
hdu.header['NAXIS']   =                    2                                                 
hdu.header['NAXIS1']  =                  x                                                  
hdu.header['NAXIS2']  =                  y
hdu.header['BPA']     = 0.000000
hdu.header['BMAJ']    = beamsize/3600                                                  
hdu.header['BMIN']    = beamsize/3600
hdu.header['EPOCH']   =                 2000                                                                                                    
hdu.header['BUNIT']  = 'K       '                                                                                                    
hdu.header['CTYPE1']  = 'GLON-GLS'                                                            
hdu.header['CRVAL1']  =                  0.0                                                  
hdu.header['CDELT1']  =     -beamsize/2/3600                                                  
hdu.header['CRPIX1']  =                  x/2                                                  
hdu.header['CROTA1']  =                  0.0                                                  
hdu.header['CUNIT1']  = 'deg     '                                                            
hdu.header['CTYPE2']  = 'GLAT-GLS'                                                            
hdu.header['CRVAL2']  =                  0.0                                                  
hdu.header['CDELT2']  =      beamsize/2/3600                                                  
hdu.header['CRPIX2']  =                  y/2                                                  
hdu.header['CROTA2']  =                  0.0                                                  
hdu.header['CUNIT2']  = 'deg     '          

#Save the fits you made

Now you have a fits that contains the coordinate information. スクリーンショット 2019-11-28 0.48.52.png

Precautions for making fits (commandments to yourself)

If you make a mistake in the header, the data will be incorrect, so be sure to check it.

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