I want to mess with ALB's default security group from CDK


If you make ALB with Fargate with CDK, Security Group will be fully opened. If it is a development environment or an internal service, I would like to narrow down the IP in consideration of security, but with CDK it was easy to add but difficult to delete, so I will share that method


Full open SG creation

First, create the Security Group to be changed

alb_sg=ec2.SecurityGroup(self, "alb-sg",
    description="alb sg"

Next, create an ALB that uses that Security Group.

ecs_alb=elasticloadbalancingv2.ApplicationLoadBalancer(self, "alb",

Then use ecs_patterns to create a FargateService

fargate_service = ecs_patterns.ApplicationLoadBalancedFargateService(self, "service",
    cloud_map_options = ecs.CloudMapOptions(
        name = 'hoge'

When you execute it, you can see that a Security Group with 80 ports fully open is created as shown below. (Only the Security Group part is extracted)

$ cdk diff ecs
Stack ecs
Security Group Changes
│   │ Group                                                 │ Dir │ Protocol │ Peer                           │
│ + │ ${prod-alb-sg.GroupId}                        │ In  │ TCP 80   │ Everyone (IPv4)                │
[~] AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup prod-alb-sg prodmonitoralbsg0D94D960 
 └─ [+] SecurityGroupIngress
     └─ [{"CidrIp":"","Description":"Allow from anyone on port 80","FromPort":80,"IpProtocol":"tcp","ToPort":80}]

Overwrite SG

It can be overwritten with node.default_child.add_override, so specify the key and overwrite The following two are specified, and since only one rule that is fully open is added, the 0th is specified.


When run, the default TCP80 allow Everyone disappears and changes to the specified IP

$ SYSTEM_ENV=prod cdk diff ecs
Stack ecs
Security Group Changes
│   │ Group                          │ Dir │ Protocol │ Peer            │
│ - │ ${prod-alb-sg.GroupId} │ In  │ TCP 80   │ Everyone (IPv4) │
│ + │ ${prod-alb-sg.GroupId} │ In  │ TCP 80   │ │
(NOTE: There may be security-related changes not in this list. See https://github.com/aws/aws-cdk/issues/1299)

[~] AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup prod-alb-sg prodmonitoralbsg0D94D960 
 └─ [~] SecurityGroupIngress
     └─ @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
        [ ] [
        [ ]   {
        [-]     "CidrIp": "",
        [-]     "Description": "Allow from anyone on port 80",
        [+]     "CidrIp": "",
        [+]     "Description": "Google",
        [ ]     "FromPort": 80,
        [ ]     "IpProtocol": "tcp",
        [ ]     "ToPort": 80

That's how to play with ALB default SG from CDK


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