Deploy Python3 function with Serverless Framework on AWS Lambda


--This article is Python Part 3 Advent Calendar 2019 is the 16th day. --This is a memo until you deploy and publish a Python3 function with Serverless Framework on AWS Lambda.


--The npm command can be used --There is an IAM user for serverless framework --You can refer to the official this area (Administrator Access is recommended). --Docker can be used

Serverless Framework installation and configuration

Installation is one shot of npm install.

$ npm install serverless

Make sure the path is in --version.

$ serverless --version
Framework Core: 1.59.3
Plugin: 3.2.5
SDK: 2.2.1
Components Core: 1.1.2
Components CLI: 1.4.0

Set the IAM account for Serverless Framewrok created in advance with serverless config credentials.

serverless config credentials --provider aws --key foo --secret bar

This completes the preparations.

Template generation and deploy

Generate a template project for Python3.

serverless create --template aws-python3 --name aws-lambda-hello-python --path aws-lambda-hello-python

The following files are actually generated.

$ cd aws-lambda-hello-python

$ tree
└── serverless.yml

0 directories, 2 files

In the above command, the main method is not generated, but this time I wanted to make it work locally, so I added it.

import json

def hello(event, context):
    body = {
        "message": "Go Serverless v1.0! Your function executed successfully!",
        "input": event

    response = {
        "statusCode": 200,
        "body": json.dumps(body)

    return response

    # Use this code if you don't use the http event with the LAMBDA-PROXY
    # integration
    return {
        "message": "Go Serverless v1.0! Your function executed successfully!",
        "event": event

if __name__  == "__main__":

There are a lot of comments, but the minimum required is: (Since you haven't specified a region, it will be deployed to the default us-east-1)


service: aws-lambda-hello-python

  name: aws
  runtime: python3.8

    handler: handler.hello

Let's move it a little with Local.

$ pyenv local 3.8.0
$ python3
{"statusCode": 200, "body": "{\"message\": \"Go Serverless v1.0! Your function executed successfully!\", \"input\": \"\"}"}

It worked. Now, let's deploy and check the operation.

$ serverless deploy -v
(Message omitted)

$ serverless invoke -f hello
    "statusCode": 200,
    "body": "{\"message\": \"Go Serverless v1.0! Your function executed successfully!\", \"input\": {}}"

It seems that it was able to deploy properly.

Use of external libraries

--I would like to be able to use an external library. ――I would like to introduce numpy, but the native library needs to be built for each environment, and it is a little troublesome when using it with Lambda normally, but using Serverless Framework makes it relatively easy.

Make the venv environment available, install numpy and freeze it.

$ python3 -m venv .venv
$ .venv/bin/pip install numpy
$ .venv/bin/pip freeze > requirements.txt

Add the process that uses numpy appropriately. (The mean will change).

import json
import numpy as np

def hello(event, context):
    arr = range(1, 100+1)
    mean = np.mean(arr)

    body = {
        "message": "Go Serverless v1.0! Your function executed successfully!",
        "input": event,
        "mean" : mean

    response = {
        "statusCode": 200,
        "body": json.dumps(body)

    return response

    # Use this code if you don't use the http event with the LAMBDA-PROXY
    # integration
    return {
        "message": "Go Serverless v1.0! Your function executed successfully!",
        "event": event

if __name__  == "__main__":

When executed locally, it looks like this.

$ .venv/bin/python3
{"statusCode": 200, "body": "{\"message\": \"Go Serverless v1.0! Your function executed successfully!\", \"input\": \"\", \"mean\": 50.5}"}

Install a plugin that allows serverless to use requirements.

npm install serverless-python-requirements

Add to serverless.yml (add plugins and below)

service: aws-lambda-hello-python

  name: aws
  runtime: python3.8

    handler: handler.hello

  - serverless-python-requirements

    dockerizePip: true

    - '**'

Try deploying (docker will run a numpy build and deploy it)

$ serverless deploy -v

Let's check the operation.

$ serverless invoke -f hello
    "statusCode": 200,
    "body": "{\"message\": \"Go Serverless v1.0! Your function executed successfully!\", \"input\": {}, \"mean\": 50.5}"

Numpy is working properly! Let's have a fun Python & Serverless life!

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