ThinkPad T14 Gen1 (AMD)
While using Ubuntu 20.04, I suddenly get a black screen and I see multiple EXT4-fs error ...
It reoccurs even if it is restarted.
According to the reference site [1], APST, a function that allows the SSD to reduce power consumption, puts the SSD to sleep and makes the root file system read-only.
sudo apt install -y nvme-cli && sudo nvme get-feature -f 0x0c -H /dev/nvme0
When APST is enabled, Autonomous Power State Transition Enable (APSTE):
is Enable
sudo -i gedit /etc/default/grub
Add nvme_core.default_ps_max_latency_us = 0
to make it as follows.
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash nvme_core.default_ps_max_latency_us=0"
After reflecting the settings with the following command, restart.
sudo update-grub
After restarting, recheck the APST status with the following command
sudo nvme get-feature -f 0x0c -H /dev/nvme0
Make sure Autonomous Power State Transition Enable (APSTE):
is Disenable
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