Write and execute SQL directly in Elixir

When using Elixir, a type of Python ORM, I will leave a way when I need to write SQL directly.


#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from elixir import *

days = 10

metadata.bind = "mysql://userid:[email protected]/test"

sql   = """ 
SELECT DATE_FORMAT( NOW() - INTERVAL %(days)s DAY, '%%Y-%%m-%%d' ) date,
       DATE_FORMAT( NOW(), '%%Y-%%m-%%d' ) today
conn   = metadata.bind.engine.connect()
result = conn.execute( sql, { "days": days } ) 

for row in result:
    print "%s%d days ago: %s" % ( row.today, days, row.date )

The execution result is as follows.

2014-04-18 10 days ago: 2014-04-08


The reality is that you're hitting the SQLAlchemy API that Elixir wraps.

It may be easier to use if you know how to execute SQL using old placeholders.

Reference material

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