Read and write single precision floating point in Python

It seems that Python does not support single precision floating point as a language specification, but since it was necessary to input and output the setting value of the hardware to which the script is linked with single precision fixed decimal point, convert it through NumPy. I made it.

For the time being, make a note so that you do not forget it.


Because it uses NumPy

import numpy

Enter the value of float32

Assign each 4-byte float32 value (12 bytes in total) contained in the string s to the variable

nums = numpy.fromstring(s, dtype=float32, count=3) self.param1 = nums[0] self.param2 = nums[1] self.param3 = nums[2]

Output the value of float32

Outputs a total of 12 bytes from the float32 value (4 bytes each) 3 for the value contained in the variable.

params = numpy.array([self.param1, self.param2, self.param3], dtype=float32) return params.tostring()

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