python chrome driver ver. Solving the problem of difference

When I try to use Selenium from Python, I get an error if the version of ChromeDriver (hereinafter ver) does not match, and I wonder if there is a manual installation of the chromedriver that cries.

From the last few days, chromedriver-binary-auto has been available from pypi @ chromedriver-binary.

Conveniently, just install the following two and chromedriver, and the version that matches the derived chromedriver will be used on Python. I think that there are many people who do not mind the difference in ver, so it is necessary to introduce it, which is convenient. --Introduced the following Wrapper on the Python side - chromedriver-binary - chromedriver-binary-auto --Install Chrome Driver on the OS side --MacOS: with homebrew. --Windows: Chocoletely is good

that's all.

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