[Ruby] Cut off the contents of twitter-ads

In my business, I used twitter-ads to hit the API of the Twitter ad distribution management screen. I'm too new to Ruby and it was pretty tough, so I'll make a note of it.

twitter-ads version is 7.

Generate a client

It doesn't start without making this.

require 'twitter-ads'

# initialize the client
client = TwitterAds::Client.new(

Get an account

Looking at the quick start on github.

# load the advertiser account instance
account = client.accounts('c3won9gy')

There is, but the ID to pass there? What is it? It will be a story. As a result of various investigations

client.accounts.each do |v|
  p v.id

If I did it like this, there was one such thing, so I had to give it the ID that came out there.

Get a list of campaigns held by your account

Use the ʻaccount` obtained above.

account.campaigns.each do |v|
  p "====================="
  p v.id
  p v.reasons_not_servable
  p v.servable
  p v.deleted
  p v.created_at
  p v.updated_at
  p v.name
  p v.funding_instrument_id
  p v.end_time
  p v.start_time
  p v.entity_status
  p v.currency
  p v.standard_delivery
  p v.daily_budget_amount_local_micro
  p v.total_budget_amount_local_micro
  p v.to_delete
  p "====================="

If you do this, a list of campaigns will appear. (If you know how to get all the values in one line without ping one by one like this ...)

If you want to create an object only for a specific campaign,

campaign = account.campaigns('1m5bbbb')

Generate it like this (the ID to be passed is the value that came out in the above v.id)


You can get the campaign name like this.

campaign.name = "MADOKA"

If you do, you can change the campaign name. I'm full of happiness.

Output ad group


This also outputs the ad group held by ʻaccount, so use ʻaccount.

Now you can get a list of ad groups.

Get a list of tailored audiences.

This also uses ʻaccount`.

account.tailored_audiences.each do |v|
  p "==========="
  p v.id
  p v.name
  p v.list_type
  p v.audience_size
  p v.audience_type
  p v.metadata
  p v.partner_source
  p v.reasons_not_targetable
  p v.targetable
  p v.targetable_types
  p "==========="

Up to this point, I have somehow grasped the atmosphere of the acquisition system.

From here, I will write more practical usage.

Bring out a tailored audience associated with your ad group.

Ad groups

line_item = account.line_items('1abcd')

You can get it at.

So, with this acquired line_item,

line_item.targeting_criteria.each do |target|
  if target.targeting_type == 'TAILORED_AUDIENCE' then
    p account.tailored_audiences(target.targeting_value).name

I feel like this.

Unlink tailored audiences associated with ad groups

line_item.targeting_criteria.each do |target|
  if target.targeting_type == 'TAILORED_AUDIENCE' then

Associate a specific tailored audience with a specified ad group

This was a lot of work,

tc = TwitterAds::TargetingCriteria.new(account)
tc.line_item_id    = 'ID of the ad group to be linked'
tc.targeting_value = 'Tailored Audience ID you want to associate(value)'
tc.targeting_type  = 'TAILORED_AUDIENCE'This is fixed and you can put this in

It was like that.

that's all

Regarding tying. Creating a TA (Taylored Audience) doesn't immediately put you in "ready" status, so After creating it, you need to periodically go to see the TA in batch, check that the status is "targetable", and build a logic called linking.

It was a pain to understand how to use this SDK, but once I understood it, all I had to do was write it, so it was fun.

It's like that today.


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