List of links that machine learning beginners are learning

Decision tree

Title Link
Decision tree analysis LINK
Decision tree and random forest LINK
How to Handle Imbalanced Classes in Machine Learning(Pre-data processing) LINK


Title Link
RandomForestClassifier parameters LINK
GridSearchCV LINK
make_classification(Data generation function) LINK
.predict_proba(Show the probability of being classified in class) LINK
feature_importances_(Evaluate the importance of features in a random forest) LINK


Title Link
mnist.load_data()MNIST (Handwritten digit database) LINK
to_categorical(Example:0->[0,0,0],1->[0,1,0],2->[0,0,1]Conversion to) LINK
Sequential model LINK

the term

Title Link
Cross-validation(cross validation) LINK
Hyperparameters LINK
Feature value LINK

Mixed matrix

Title Link
scikit-Generate a confusion matrix with learn and calculate the precision rate, recall rate, F1 value, etc. LINK

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