First of all, to those who clicked on this article As a premise, the output is important, so I really just want to put the output. Even so, I haven't posted to Qiita until now because there was no need to write it specially and there was no novelty. It's good that I took Coursera's Machine learning from a month ago and took the Deep learning course in good condition, but this is 16 weeks in total and is currently the 6th lap. Up to the first topic (mini-batch gradient descent method) on the 6th lap, I was able to pass through with the pattern I took in the Machine learning course, but finally I stepped into an unknown area, and at this timing the Japanese subtitles disappeared completely. Now that I am quite anxious. I'm sure that the Japanese subtitles will disappear at this timing, so far, "Oh, it's the same as what I did in Machine learning. Oh, the Japanese subtitles are finally gone. I don't understand immediately." I think it tells the story of the large number of dew and disappeared corpses. Here, I decided to become a human merkmal who is also willing to study the Deep Learning course.
First of all, about me, I am currently in the third year of college. Belongs to the Department of Agricultural Economics. However, I haven't really had any skills because I have been devoted to club activities and have chosen lessons that I can take and lessons that are easier than I want to take. However, I am addicted to econometrics, which is a compulsory undergraduate class, and try to touch kaggle. However, when I entered the top 30% of Titanic tutorials with the knowledge of only the upper side that I searched on the net, I could not see the future of anything, so I tried machine learning of coursera (end of December to end of January 2019). After that, I was addicted to the fun of machine learning and continued to take deep learning at coursera.
For learning machine learning, I referred to the following article by @ Falcon__0904.
As for what to write next, I will just scribble what I learned this week. I will write it once I have decided what I want to write clearly in the future.
Improving Deep Neural Networks:Week2
This week, we mainly learned about speed-up tips that are important when building large-scale neural networks. I'm taking notes with Goodnotes so let's throw it ...
I'll give you this. Please tell me if you do it.
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