Easy way to load CPU / memory on Linux

Today's goal

After building a server, learn an easy way to generate a load with only standard Linux functions when performing a load test of Linux resources.

Easily apply CPU load

It's better to use standard Linux commands instead of using a commonly known tool such as "stress".

I can't easily install tools in a production environment. I picked up a method that does not modify the environment as much as possible.

use the yes command

The yes command is a built-in command included in the OS standard. It is a method to put a CPU load by repeatedly hitting this yes command.

Process with the yes command

# yes > /dev/null

Please be careful about the direction of the redirect. To stop the process, press "Ctrl + C".

It doesn't take a lot of load if it is one, so you can start multiple terminals and hit the yes command repeatedly.

# yes > /dev/null &
# yes > /dev/null &
# yes > /dev/null &
# yes > /dev/null &
# yes > /dev/null &

If you want to stop it, check "jobs" and

# jobs
[1]Running yes> /dev/null &
[2]Running yes> /dev/null &
[3]Running yes> /dev/null &
[4]Running yes> /dev/null &
[5]Running yes> /dev/null &
[6]-Running yes> /dev/null &
[7]+Running yes> /dev/null &

Stop with the following feeling

# kill %1 %2 %3
[1]Finished yes> /dev/null
[2]-Finished yes> /dev/null
[3]+Finished yes> /dev/null

Use the openssl command

Use the openssl command to load the CPU according to the number of CPU clocks.

openssl command processing execution example

[root@localhost ~]# openssl speed -multi `grep processor /proc/cpuinfo|wc -l`
Forked child 0

"Ctrl + C" to stop the processing with the openssl command

How to generate memory load

Create a dummy shell script.

# vi test-memory.sh

Describe the process that consumes 500MB of memory each time you press Enter as follows


#! /bin/bash
# "--bytest 5000000" is 500MB.
echo PID=$$
echo -n "[ Enter : powerup! ] , [ Ctrl+d : stop ]"
while read byte; do
   eval a$c'=$(head --bytes 5000000 /dev/zero |cat -v)'
   echo -n ">"

Execute the created script.

# chmod +x test-memory.sh
# ./test-memory.sh

Each time you press Enter, it consumes 500MB of memory. If you want to stop it, press Ctrl + d.

I think there are many ways to put a CPU load other than those listed above, but if you don't think about it to a certain extent, you may destroy the environment itself, so be careful about that!

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