Save your heart rate to SpreadSheets in real time (?) Using Python x fitbit API!


It's been almost a year since I started using fitbit, but I didn't touch much around the API because I was only developing clocks and apps, and because of my own research, this time I tried to acquire activity data in real time. It was.

It was okay to write to the database, but I chose to write to the sheet quickly because my knowledge is still at the baby level. (I want to study soon)

The reason why (?) Is added after the real time will be explained later. ..

Implementation steps

Roughly divide and proceed with the following procedure.

1. Registration for fitbit API

2. Registration for Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

3. Hit the API to get fitbit data

4. Write on the sheet

5. (Easy) visualization

I will proceed immediately!

STEP1: Fitbit API usage registration

This is another power application from the beginning, but referring to the article here,

Please get and set. By the way, my application registration settings are as follows.

item concents inputted
Application Name HeartRate Watcher
Description watch my heart rate
Application Website http://localhost/
Organization personal
Organization Website http://localhost/
OAuth 2.0 Application Type Personal
Callback URL
Default Access Type Read-Only

What I did in this step

import fitbit
from ast import literal_eval

CLIENT_SECRET = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
TOKEN_FILE    = "token.txt" #In the same directory.Make txt

tokens = open(TOKEN_FILE).read()
token_dict = literal_eval(tokens)
access_token = token_dict['access_token']
refresh_token = token_dict['refresh_token']

def updateToken(token):
    f = open(TOKEN_FILE, 'w')

authed_client = fitbit.Fitbit(CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET, access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN, refresh_token=REFRESH_TOKEN, refresh_cb=updateToken)

Once the authorization of ʻauthed_client` is complete, you can retrieve the data as you like.

This is the end of STEP1.

STEP2: GCP settings

Since Python writes to the spreadsheet, we also register the API here.

STEP2 also has a very very polite explanation at here, so set it while reading.

What I did in this step

import gspread
import json
from oauth2client.service_account import ServiceAccountCredentials 

scope = ['','']
credentials = ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json_keyfile_name('************.json', scope)
gc = gspread.authorize(credentials)
SPREADSHEET_KEY = '******************'
worksheet = gc.open_by_key(SPREADSHEET_KEY).sheet1


Once you have registered the above information, you can read and write as much as you like!

I would like to say, but since there is a ** request limit of 100 per 100 seconds **, it is unexpectedly caught. Since it is considered as one request for each cell value acquisition or update, try to avoid reusable places and extra writing as much as possible. (I don't know if I'm doing well.)

This is the end of STEP2.

STEP3: Hit the API to get the data

After registering various information, it is finally time to get the data.

Acquisition method

data_sec = authed_client.intraday_time_series('activities/heart', 'YYYY-MM-DD', detail_level='1sec')
heart_sec = data_sec["activities-heart-intraday"]["dataset"]

Set the date of the data you want to acquire with YYYY-MM-DD and the data interval with detail_level. detail_level can be selected from [1sec, 1min, 15min].

A little deformed

heart_sec contains the heart rate in the form {time: mm: hh: ss, value: **}. You can leave it as it is, but I wanted to add date information, so I modified it a little as follows before outputting it.

def get_heartrate_data(date):
	data_sec = authed_client.intraday_time_series('activities/heart', date, detail_level='1sec')
	heart_sec = data_sec["activities-heart-intraday"]["dataset"]
	for data in heart_sec:
		datetime = date + " " + data['time']
		data['datetime'] = datetime
		del data['time']
	return heart_sec

After this, I will throw it to the sheet, so leave it in json format.

This is the end of STEP3.

For those who want to get other information

There are also people who have carefully summarized the acquisition method, so if you want to try other than heart rate, please refer to here. ..

STEP4: Write to SpreadSheets

The last step is to write to the sheet.

Make a list of the data you want to input and throw it one by one. Append () will write it to the bottom of the latest cell, so I'll leave it to you.

headers = ['value', 'datetime'] # keys

def set_data_to_sheet(datas):
	for data in datas:
		column = []
		for header in headers:

Periodic execution

After completing the above preparations, create a job () function for periodic execution.

def get_latest_data(data):
	list_num = len(data)
	new_list = []
	for i in range(list_num-30, list_num):
	return new_list

def job():
	now =
	date = now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')

	data = get_heartrate_data(date)
	latest_data = get_latest_data(data)

Just get the latest 30 data with the date setting, get_latest_data and write it to the sheet.

After that, in order to realize ** real-time ** acquisition, it is periodically executed by cron etc. once every 30 seconds. Since the limit of fitbit API is 150 access / 1H, it is set with a little margin.

Result announcement

** Real-time heart rate can be obtained !! **

It didn't go well and the result was as follows. .. (Excerpt from 1 copy) スクリーンショット 2020-06-03 0.20.15.png

It was expected to be updated once every 30 seconds, but there is a delay of about 15 minutes in updating the latest information. What is relevant here is the specification regarding data upload. You can't connect to the cloud directly from fitbit, so you'll need to use your smartphone to communicate. However, it seems that fitbit and the smartphone are only in sync at intervals of about 15 minutes, so I think this problem is occurring. (Synchronization is always on, but it's a balance with various batteries)

In this way, real-time acquisition at 30-second intervals using the API seems to be difficult so far, so I changed it as follows.

From real time to roughly real time (?)

If you organize the situation

--Update to the latest information about once every 15 minutes --When you look at heart_sec, the heart rate is recorded about once every 5 seconds (it should be set every 1 sec, but it can't be helped frequently) -That is, record about 12 times a minute

Therefore, by the time the latest information is uploaded, 12 x 15 = about 180 records will be accumulated.

The solution is ...

Then write 180 data by running cron every 15 minutes!

I thought, but here I get stuck in the ** 100 request limit per 100 seconds **.

I tried to write 180 data at once, but I ran into a limit. (Of course) So, I managed to get past the limit with the power technique of sleeping for 1 second each time I wrote. (It takes a lot of time) (Throwing to the database is overwhelmingly smarter)

STEP4 Summary

After all, I couldn't get and write data immediately, so "Once every 15 minutes, 180 unuploaded data is written to the sheet in 180 seconds." It became a very clunky system.

However, since the data is recorded on the sheet without permission, it seems that it can be used for some kind of analysis.

STEP5: Visualization

As long as you write on the sheet, you can visualize it immediately. I mean, you can create a graph more easily by converting it to a DataFrame without writing it, so I will omit the details here.

As an example, the following is a plot of 24 hours of heart rate per day. You can see that the heart rate is low from midnight to early morning when sleep is deep, and gradually rises after waking up.


If you manage it properly in the database, you will be able to create cool and dynamic graphs, so this is a future issue.

in conclusion

We have completed a series of steps such as setting various APIs, acquiring fitbit information, writing to a sheet, and visualizing.

It wasn't exactly real-time, but I would like to create a smart visualization system and interesting apps that can tolerate even 15-minute intervals.

In addition to heart rate, you can record calories, steps, sleep, etc., so whether you are a fitbit user or not, please give it a try!

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