[JAVA] Note that Insert could not be done with Spring Data JDBC

I was addicted to Spring Data JDBC, which I was reviewing somehow, so I made a note. (Although the base Spring boot is a little old ...)


What I tried to do

I just tried to insert an object (insert a record) in a table with Spring Data JDBC

Cause of addiction

Apparently, Spring Data JDBC issues SQL when the field with @ID is an object type, Insert when it is null, and update when it is not null. The PK of the table must be Auto Generated.

reference https://stackoverflow.com/questions/50371775/why-does-spring-data-jdbc-not-save-my-car-object

Try running with sample code



public class Users {
  private Integer user_id;
  private String password;
  private String notes;



public class SampleService {
  private UserRepository dao;
//It's a very crude code, but ...
  public void add(Integer id) {
    LocalDateTime time = LocalDateTime.now();
    Users user = new Users(id, "password", time.toString());
    Users inserted = dao.save(user);

For test execution


public class SampleServiceTest {
  private SampleService service;
//Update when you run this
  public void test1() {
//When you execute this, Insert
  public void test2() {

test1 () runtime

2019-11-19 18:41:47.275  INFO 37316 --- [           main] org.example.test.service.SampleService   : userid: 3, note: 2019-11-19T18:41:47.274

Postgre SQL trace at that time

2019-11-19 09:41:47.326 UTC [167] LOG:  execute <unnamed>: BEGIN
2019-11-19 09:41:47.334 UTC [167] LOG:  execute <unnamed>: UPDATE users SET user_id = $1, password = $2, notes = $3 WHERE user_id = $4
2019-11-19 09:41:47.334 UTC [167] DETAIL:  parameters: $1 = '3', $2 = 'password', $3 = '2019-11-19T18:41:47.274', $4 = '3'

test2 () runtime

2019-11-19 18:41:47.355  INFO 37316 --- [           main] org.example.test.service.SampleService   : userid: null, note: 2019-11-19T18:41:47.355

Postgre SQL trace at that time

2019-11-19 09:41:47.368 UTC [167] LOG:  execute <unnamed>: BEGIN
2019-11-19 09:41:47.368 UTC [167] LOG:  execute <unnamed>: INSERT INTO users (password, notes) VALUES ($1, $2)
2019-11-19 09:41:47.368 UTC [167] DETAIL:  parameters: $1 = 'password', $2 = '2019-11-19T18:41:47.355'

at the end

For the time being, let's change the DDL and raise the version of Spring boot. With Postgres 10, you can make it Auto Generated. https://qiita.com/nuko_yokohama/items/7d0d5525bcefaa3332ce

Oh, I referred to here for the SQL trace settings of PostgreSQL. https://www.kakiro-web.com/postgresql/postgresql-sql-log-system.html

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