[JAVA] Spring Data JDBC Preview

(Added on 2019/01/02) This article has not been updated

** Most of the code in this article doesn't work anymore. I will keep it for the record, but there are no plans to update it. ** ** Please refer to the Official Document if you need reliable information.

@ kazuki43zoo has written a wonderful commentary, so I recommend you to read that as well. I tried Spring Data JDBC 1.0.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT (-> 1.0.0.RELEASE)

Also, Spring Data JDBC is still a growing project. The following links may be useful, as some information cannot be traced by the published document alone.

I have a project called Spring Data JDBC, so I will try it.

Speaking of RDB access of Spring, JdbcTemplate and [Spring Data JPA](https://projects.spring.io/spring-data- There are jpa /) and so on. Although still at CRUD support level, Spring Data JDBC may also be a viable option for DB access in the future.

The source I tried this time is here.

!!! As of January 2018, Spring Data JDBC is BUILD-SNAPSHOT. There is a good chance that the code in this article will get stuck in the future. !!!



After creating the Spring Boot project, add the dependency to pom.xml. DB should be H2 Database.




table definition

Write the table definition in schema.sql.


create table employee (
    employee_number bigint primary key auto_increment,
    firstname varchar NOT NULL,
    lastname varchar NOT NULL,
    age int NOT NULL,
    hired_at date

Creating Repository

Create the entity class corresponding to the table. Annotate the ID field with @Id. (I use Lombok because it was troublesome to write Getter / Setter w)


public class Employee {

    private Long employeeNumber;
    private String firstname;
    private String lastname;
    private Integer age;
    private LocalDate hiredAt;


After creating the entity, create a Repository that inherits CrudRepository.


public interface EmployeeRepository extends CrudRepository<Employee, Long> {

Bean definition

How to run Spring Data JDBC

will become necessary. If you want the column name to be a snake case, define a NamingStrategy that converts the field name <=> column name of the entity.


public class SpringDataJdbcDemoApplication {

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		SpringApplication.run(SpringDataJdbcDemoApplication.class, args);

	JdbcMappingContext context;
	DataSource datasource;

	DataAccessStrategy dataAccessStrategy() {
	    return new DefaultDataAccessStrategy(
	            new SqlGeneratorSource(context),
	            new NamedParameterJdbcTemplate(datasource),

	NamingStrategy namingStrategy() {
	    return new CustomNamingStrategy();


public class CustomNamingStrategy extends DefaultNamingStrategy {

    public String getColumnName(JdbcPersistentProperty property) {
        String propertyName = property.getName();
        return camelToSnake(propertyName);

    public String getTableName(Class<?> type) {
        return super.getTableName(type);

    public String camelToSnake(String original) {
        char[] chars = original.toCharArray();
        char[] buff = new char[chars.length + 10];

        int j = 0;
        for(int i = 0; i < chars.length; i++) {
            char c = chars[i];
            if(buff[buff.length - 1] != ' ') {
                buff = Arrays.copyOf(buff, buff.length + 10);
            if (Character.isUpperCase(c)) {
                buff[j++] = '_';
                buff[j++] = Character.toLowerCase(c);
            } else {
                buff[j++] = c;
        return new String(buff).trim();


Try to move

I will move it at once.

public class SpringDataJdbcDemoApplicationTests {

    EmployeeRepository repo;

    public void contextLoads() {

    public void test1() {
        Employee employee = new Employee();
        employee.setHiredAt(LocalDate.of(2012, 4, 1));

        // Insert
        employee = repo.save(employee);
        Long employeeNumber = employee.getEmployeeNumber();

        Optional<Employee> insertedOpt = repo.findById(employeeNumber);
        Employee inserted = insertedOpt.get();
                () -> assertEquals(inserted.getEmployeeNumber(), employeeNumber),
                () -> assertEquals(inserted.getFirstname(), "John"),
                () -> assertEquals(inserted.getLastname(), "Do"),
                () -> assertEquals(inserted.getAge(), Integer.valueOf(30)),
                () -> assertEquals(inserted.getHiredAt(), LocalDate.of(2012, 4, 1)));

        // Update

        Optional<Employee> updatedOpt = repo.findById(employeeNumber);
        Employee updated = updatedOpt.get();
        assertEquals(updated.getAge(), Integer.valueOf(31));

        // Delete

        Optional<Employee> deleted = repo.findById(employeeNumber);

MyBatis cooperation

I haven't tried it, but it seems possible to link it with MyBatis. When the Repository method is called, it seems that the Mapper method with the corresponding name is executed.

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