[JAVA] OR search with Spring Data Jpa Specification

Here's how to use Spring Data JPA to do a simple OR search and a slightly more complex OR search.

Entity Suppose the Entity associated with the DB table looks like this.

@Table(name = "users")
public class Users {
  @Column(name = "user_id")
  private int userId;

  @Column(name = "company_id")
  private int companyId;


public interface UsersRepository extends JpaRepository<Users, Integer> {



public class UsersSpecifications {
  public static Specification<Users> userIdContains(
      int userId) {
    return new Specification<Users>() {
      public Predicate toPredicate(Root<Users> root, CriteriaQuery<?> query,
          CriteriaBuilder cb) {
        return cb.equal(root.get("userId"), userId);

  public static Specification<Users> companyIdContains(
      int companyId) {
    return new Specification<Users>() {
      public Predicate toPredicate(Root<Users> root, CriteriaQuery<?> query,
          CriteriaBuilder cb) {
        return cb.equal(root.get("companyId"), companyId);

Simple OR search

WHERE user_id = 1 OR user_id = 2;


A little complicated OR search

WHERE company_id = 3 AND (user_id = 1 OR user_id = 2);


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