[JAVA] Spring Boot + Spring Data JPA About multiple table joins

I had a hard time reading reference books such as INNER JOIN and LEFT JOIN using Spring, so I will write it as a memorandum.

What I want to achieve this time

The room name and equipment name are output on the screen.

Room table

Column name Data type
room number room_id INT
Room name room_name VARCHAR

Equipment table

Column name Data type
Equipment number equipmentId_id INT
Equipment name equipment_name VARCHAR
room number room_id INT

Create Entity (Room and Equipment). import is omitted.


public class Room implements Serializable {

	private Integer roomId;

	private String roomName;

	@OneToMany(mappedBy="room", cascade=CascadeType.ALL)
	private List<Equipment> equipments;

	public Integer getRoomId() {
		return roomId;

	public void setRoomId(Integer roomId) {
		this.roomId = roomId;

	public String getRoomName() {
		return roomName;

	public void setRoomName(String roomName) {
		this.roomName = roomName;

	public List<Equipment> getEquipments() {
		return equipments;

	public void setEquipments(List<Equipment> equipments) {
		this.equipments = equipments;

Since there is a one-to-many relationship with Equipment, use @OneToMany.

@OneToMany(mappedBy="room", cascade=CascadeType.ALL)
private List<Equipment> equipments;


@Entity public class Equipment implements Serializable {

	private Integer equipmentId;

	private String equipmentName;

	private Room room;

	public Integer getEquipmentId() {
		return equipmentId;

	public void setEquipmentId(Integer equipmentId) {
		this.equipmentId = equipmentId;

	public String getEquipmentName() {
		return equipmentName;

	public void setEquipmentName(String equipmentName) {
		this.equipmentName = equipmentName;

	public Room getRoom() {
		return room;

	public void setRoom(Room room) {
		this.room = room;

Use @ManyToOne because it has a many-to-one relationship with the Room. Use room_id in @JoinColumn as a foreign key.

private Room room;

Create a query using @Query in the Repository. You can set the value dynamically with @Param ("roomId").


public interface EquipmentRepository extends JpaRepository<Equipment, Integer> {

	@Query("SELECT DISTINCT e FROM Equipment e INNER JOIN e.room WHERE e.room.roomId = :roomId ORDER BY e.equipmentId")
	List<Equipment> find(@Param("roomId") Integer roomId);

Inject Equipment Repository with @Autowired. Annotation to get the value of the path variable in the URL with @PathVariable ("id").


public class TestController {

	EquipmentRepository equipmentRepository;

	public String index(@PathVariable("id")Integer id, Model model) {

		List<Equipment> list2 =equipmentRepository.find(id);
		model.addAttribute("lists2", list2);

		return "index";

HTML elements are repeatedly output for the number of array values specified by th: each.


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html  xmlns:th="http://www.thymeleaf.org">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Insert title here</title>
		<tr th:each="list2:${lists2}">
			<td th:text="${list2.room.roomName}">
			<td th:text="${list2.equipmentName}">


With the above, the room name and equipment name can be output. In the future, I would like to increase the number of tables and challenge complicated processing.

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