Manipulate colors with pip install color


Since plotly and pyqtgraph do not have (or few?) Color palettes, it is more difficult to specify colors than matplotlib. This time, I will introduce a module that allows you to easily create color gradations.


Mac OS Python 3.8.5 colour 0.1.5

pip install colour



All will be red.

from colour import Color

Color(rgb=(1, 0, 0))  # 0~1
Color(hsl=(0, 1, 0.5))  # 0~1

Get value

from colour import Color

c = Color('red')  # <class 'colour.Color'>

Gets the value of c.


rgb = c.get_rgb()  # (1.0, 0.0, 0.0), tuple
rgb_hex = c.get_hex()  # #f00, str
rgb_hex_long = c.get_hex_l()  # #ff0000, str


hsl = c.get_hsl()  #hsl color space(0.0, 1.0, 0.5), tuple
hue = c.get_hue()  #Hue 0.0, float
saturation = c.get_saturation()  #Saturation 1.0, float
luminance = c.get_luminance()  #Luminance 0.5, float


red = c.get_red()  # 1.0, float
blue = c.get_blue()  # 0.0, float
green = c.get_green()  # 0.0, float

Value change

c = Color('red')  # c = red

Rewrite the value of c

c.set_blue(1)  # c = magenta, set_red(), set_green()There is also
c.set_saturation(0.5)  #Change saturation, c = #bf40bf, 0~Between 1
c.set_luminance(0.2)  #Change brightness, c = #4c194c, 0~Between 1
#The value is overwritten
c.set_rgb((1, 0, 0))
c.set_hsl((0, 1, 0.5))


Color('red') == Color('blue')
Color('red') == Color('red')
Color('red') != Color('blue')
Color('red') != Color('red')


Specify the start color, end color, and the number of divisions

# red -Between blue
red = Color('red')
blue = Color('blue')
#5 divisions[<Color red>, <Color yellow>, <Color lime>, <Color cyan>, <Color blue>]
red_blue = list(red.range_to(blue, 5))

# black -Between white
black = Color('black')
white = Color('white')
#6 divisions[<Color black>, <Color #333>, <Color #666>, <Color #999>, <Color #ccc>, <Color white>]
black_white = list(black.range_to(white, 6))

Example of use

Since matplotlib and seaborn can specify many colors from the beginning, you may not use them much. I think it can be used for plotly.

スクリーンショット 2021-01-13 22.01.20.png
from colour import Color
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)

red = Color('red')
blue = Color('blue')
red_blue = list(red.range_to(blue, 100))

for num, color in enumerate(red_blue, 1):
    ax.plot([i for i in range(10)],
            [i * num for i in range(10)],


colour · PyPI

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