Steps to install your own library with pip

[Caution] This article is old

The information in this article is out of date and there are some commands that are no longer available. (As of February 4, 2018)

We recommend that you refer to the following articles.

Publish / upload library created in Python to PyPI


I registered the library on PyPI for the first time. So I will summarize what I did and what I studied.

Referenced site

How to use official setuptools Sample repository

Sample Repository

basic usage of settools

Write package information in $ python sdist-> Create source package $ python install-> package install

General commands for distribution

Create a PyPI account → PyPy User profile $ python test $ python register $ python sdist bdist_egg upload $ python upload_docs

Minimum required? ?? ??

Create a PyPI account → PyPy User profile

$ python register
$ python sdist upload

When updating

Change the version of $ python sdist upload

Meaning of arguments of setup () function

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