A Python library that can interact with Bitcoin and Altcoin networks. I think it's common to install Bitcoin Core to connect to a Bitcoin network, but it's quite a hassle. Pycoin makes it easy to connect to your Bitcoin network. There are also useful command line tools called KU and TX, and this article will show you how to use this command line tool and how to set environment variables to connect to Bitcoin Testnet.
Pycoin can handle not only Bitcoin, but also relatively famous Altcoin such as Litecoin, Dogecoin, Dash and other coins you have never heard of. It supports Python 2.7 and 3.3 or later. https://github.com/richardkiss/pycoin
You can install it with pip. Let's build and install a virtual environment with venv etc.
$ pip install pycoin
Testnet is usually used for Bitcoin development. There is no reason to use real BTC for development, the production is called Mainnet, but Testnet is built for developers.
This article is detailed. Application test environment using Bitcoin http://techmedia-think.hatenablog.com/entry/2015/05/10/123243
Coins on Testnet have no value and can be obtained at Faucet. https://tpfaucet.appspot.com/
You can check Testnet here. https://testnet.blockexplorer.com/
Pycoin has useful command line tools called KU and TX. https://github.com/richardkiss/pycoin/blob/master/COMMAND-LINE-TOOLS.md
KU is a "key utility" and, according to developer Richard Kiss, it's like a "Swiss Army knife" for manipulating the Key. Is that so convenient?
TX is a tool for checking and manipulating transactions for human readability.
Let's type ku create, which is also in the sample code. BIP32 keys, which can be said to be the standard for HD wallets, are randomly issued.
$ ku create
warning: can't open gpg, can't use as entropy source
input : create
network : Bitcoin mainnet
netcode : BTC
wallet key : xprv9s21ZrQH143K2K5pPUoMrx8g8B3xSeJuAAXtt7XP6Gs1w9WWCRibNaMiEUjN9j\
public version : xpub661MyMwAqRbcEoAHVWLNE65QgCtSr72kXPTVgVvzecPzowqejy2qvNgC5mofRo\
tree depth : 0
fingerprint : 9a087148
parent f'print : 00000000
child index : 0
chain code : 1980c24d0593ce4a42f3dae1991cb7617f8cbac03df219a796be5392775ff361
private key : yes
secret exponent : 62147175208710988790827765505072286205595207768729086914666605171876233295603
hex : 89660dfd51eb4720adb856375cb0273222b6aaccf34d48ec3abbcc3e865936f3
wif : L1po7g8b8xtn7w7ukg8Gv6j3sEQykCS2NcWwLRZD1tDAUMMVYJ5Y
uncompressed : 5JroFCatgsGovgT2z2AMNYf5GutCVpT4V1LvYb7PfGEBJdEbts1
public pair x : 68090829527568288081052782941849647349285350892240776672153772254112346326898
public pair y : 51301029354091858472661926463670541630631183134816042193916222104982852838049
x as hex : 968a0b34e401a041c684d7a675857ad7b9b1ed1936d056e43b01ac6a0180c772
y as hex : 716b5a882afdc55f901d07dfe5c769106dead6710a70858e51fe51a15039a2a1
y parity : odd
key pair as sec : 03968a0b34e401a041c684d7a675857ad7b9b1ed1936d056e43b01ac6a0180c772
uncompressed : 04968a0b34e401a041c684d7a675857ad7b9b1ed1936d056e43b01ac6a0180c772\
hash160 : 9a087148075e0ae4cd68fd4019e63f2df521572c
uncompressed : 017773ac09011e42b64ede8701f67a15056455ed
Bitcoin address : 1F3TB8yLpkDxRZ8jsX9o7FPCF99VDcZsg5
Bitcoin address uncompressed : 18kmrPFEDGxXiUjr5GYsw2TxCzqqUiZ5F
Bitcoin segwit address : p2y8WmmTAGv9XjWT8bjjyuZemZFrUz5xA7oY
You can specify the network name by taking -n as an argument. -NXTN to specify Bitcoin's Testnet.
ku -nXTN 1
input : 1
network : Bitcoin testnet3
netcode : XTN
secret exponent : 1
hex : 1
wif : cMahea7zqjxrtgAbB7LSGbcQUr1uX1ojuat9jZodMN87JcbXMTcA
uncompressed : 91avARGdfge8E4tZfYLoxeJ5sGBdNJQH4kvjJoQFacbgwmaKkrx
public pair x : 55066263022277343669578718895168534326250603453777594175500187360389116729240
public pair y : 32670510020758816978083085130507043184471273380659243275938904335757337482424
x as hex : 79be667ef9dcbbac55a06295ce870b07029bfcdb2dce28d959f2815b16f81798
y as hex : 483ada7726a3c4655da4fbfc0e1108a8fd17b448a68554199c47d08ffb10d4b8
y parity : even
key pair as sec : 0279be667ef9dcbbac55a06295ce870b07029bfcdb2dce28d959f2815b16f81798
uncompressed : 0479be667ef9dcbbac55a06295ce870b07029bfcdb2dce28d959f2815b16f81798\
hash160 : 751e76e8199196d454941c45d1b3a323f1433bd6
uncompressed : 91b24bf9f5288532960ac687abb035127b1d28a5
Bitcoin address : mrCDrCybB6J1vRfbwM5hemdJz73FwDBC8r
Bitcoin address uncompressed : mtoKs9V381UAhUia3d7Vb9GNak8Qvmcsme
Bitcoin segwit address : QWz8QvrJz5QmWegmBv9tXP447AdU7JQtyakg
You can specify the network not only from the command line, but of course from a file.
Basically, if you do not specify anything, you will be connected to Bitcoin Mainnet.
I inadvertently did it on Mainnet! I don't like this, so I'll show you how to set environment variables on your device and specify the network by default.
This time we will default to Bitcoin Testnet.
Set environment variable settings. The net code that can be specified is written in all.pylegacy_network.py of networks.
Let's check.
from pycoin.networks import default
default_netcode = default._netcode_for_env()
It's okay if you do this and the specified netcode is displayed.
Since netcode may be taken as an argument such as creating a Key, it is OK if you specify it at that time. Try it on Testnet and reflect it on Mainnet! I thought it would be convenient because I only had to change the environment variable settings.
It's easy, but I showed you how to connect to Bitcoin Testnet with Pycoin. Next time, I would like to create a Key with Testnet, create a transaction, and exchange bitcoins.
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