--Eclipse can be installed and Java can be executed --Can run PHP (if XAMPP is already installed) ... It's been long, so another article: Allow PHP to be developed in Eclipse --Qiita
URL:https://mergedoc.osdn.jp/ ▼ I am not particular about it, so select the latest version
▼ Python and XAMPP are already included, so select Java (Full Edition) this time. There is 1,5GB, so wait patiently.
▼ Unzip after download is complete. It should look like this. Run [eclipse.exe]
▼ The startup screen appears. Wait about 1 minute for the first time to clear the cache
▼ Select a workspace (where you put the actual source etc.)
▼ IDE screen is displayed after selecting workspace
▼ Workspace has only [.metadata] folder
▼ Select Create Java Project
▼ Enter the project name and click "Next" (It's okay to complete it, so take a look)
▼ Build settings. "Done" without touching this time
▼ "Creating module-info.java" What a mess ... It seems to be a new feature of Java 9. For the time being, "create"
▼ Java project completed
▼ Create a file to write the source. Right-click on "Package Explorer" on the left side of the screen → "New" → "File"
▼ Enter the file name and click "Finish"
Actually write the code. It seems that you have to declare the package just by "creating module-info.java", so declare the [hallowWorld] package. The IDE automatically changes the directory of the actual file.
package hellowWorld;
class hellowWorld{
public static void main(String[] args){
▼ Save and execute the code. If the source file is active, you can execute it from the "Run" mark at the top of the screen.
▼ Execution result is output to the console and ends
that's all
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