--Install using the entire hard disk. Therefore, it does not support dual boot. --The installation method of Arch Linux changes from time to time. Therefore, it may not be installed successfully. Also, there are currently no plans to update the script. --The installed environment is my favorite. Not recommended for those who are particular about the environment.
chmod +x ./install.sh
./install.sh <DISK> <Wi-Fi Interface> <DE:Yes|No> <Graphics:NVIDIA|ATI|Radeon|Intel|None> <HostName> <UserName>
For installation / dev / sda, wireless, wireless interface wlan0, desktop environment, NVIDIA, host name Arch, user name Linux
./install.sh /dev/sda wlan0 Yes NVIDIA Arch Linux
Installation destination / dev / sdb, wired, no desktop environment, Intel Graphics, host name Arch, user name for Linux
./install.sh /dev/sdb - No Intel Arch Linux
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