Arch Linux, which has been in use since the summer of 2018, has been unable to update since around December. When I searched, it seems that the unsupported package is somehow in the way and an update error is occurring. The delete command I typed in was fatal, and X stopped booting, so I backed up my data files and then reinstalled from scratch.
I've read back the previous notes, but it's not fun to repeat the same method. So recently, there are many tutorials of that kind on YouTube, so when I was looking for it, there was a video introducing the script for installation, so I used it as a reference.
I tried the method shown in this video and it installed successfully. As follows Download the archfi script with wget and Run the archfi script.
# wget
# sh archfi
As an environment for executing scripts
Run the archfi script from the Linux command line installed on a different hard disk on the same PC to install Arch Linux on another hard disk or partition.
Boot linux from an installation media such as a USB stick and download and run archfi from its command console.
Both methods require a network environment, and when you execute the archfi script, the necessary files are downloaded from the net and installed. The script is interactive, so you can run it in order from the top of the menu. If you have experience installing Linux, you can do it. Even beginners can install it after trying it a few times.
export GTK_IM_MODULE=fcitx
export QT_IM_MODULE=fcitx
export XMODIFIERS="@im=fcitx"
If you add Mozc in the keyboard settings of Fcitx settings, you will be able to input Japanese. After that, you can install your favorite application. Since X is up, you can install it with GUI as well as command line.
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