Note that the method of publishing modules to PyPI has changed in various ways.

The method of publishing modules to PyPI has changed a lot before I saw it for a while, so I will write it down as a memorandum.

What did you publish?

it's here.

So far, GitHub is the only document that can be called a document.


When I used to touch PyPI, I used to write various settings in to describe the module settings, but now I put the module information in a file called setup.cfg. It seems that I started writing.


name = tksugar
version = attr: tksugar.__version__
author = TakamiChie
author_email = [mail]
license = MIT
description = A module that generates a structured Tk window frame from a text file.
keywords =
url =
long_description = file:
long_description_content_type = text/markdown
classifiers =
    Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7
    Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8

packages = find:
install_requires =

For the time being, I'm curious about this matter.

version In advance, add the following constants to the of the module to be uploaded.

__version__ = "0.1.0"

In my case, __init __. Py was placed in root \ tksugar \ __ init __. Py, so I'm okay with the above description, but I want to create a file called and define it there. Note that the above will change depending on whether you want to use root / src / project / __

long_description It is a long explanation that is literally long to read. is read and displayed as it is. This text will appear on the right side of the site.

In case of Markdown format, be sure to describe it as a set with long_description_content_type. It will stop with an error.

classifiers This is a classification on the PyPI site. It looks like an ini file, but you can write one per line. Please check the PyPI site for the contents of the classification.


The writing method is the same as classifiers. The above statement is equivalent to pyyaml =" * " in Pipfile.


  1. Follow the reference article 6 and create .pypirc. For Windows 10 Save to the C: \ Users \ [UserName] folder
  2. pip install twine wheel (I might have been doing other things because I was struggling a lot)
  3. python sdist bdist_wheel
  4. twine upload --repository testpypi dist / *
  5. If there is no problem, twine upload --repository pypi dist / *

It is easy to write the following code in Pipfile (The content of Reference 6 is not Windows, so modify it appropriately / pipenv run seems to work at the command prompt instead of PowerShell, so it is appropriate Adjustment)


clear = "pwsh -c Remove-Item -Recurse -Force *.egg-info, build, dist"
build = "python sdist bdist_wheel"
deploytest = "twine upload --repository testpypi dist/*"
deploy = "twine upload --repository pypi dist/*"

important point

This kind of operation method changes quite often, so when you google, take measures such as setting the period designation to "within one month". If the article is more than half a year old, the content may have changed somewhere (although the previous article may be helpful for the content of the description).



  1. Summary of python setup \ .py -Qiita
  2. [[Tech way from one step] 21st "Write setup \ .py and make it installable with pip" -Sansan Builders Blog]( 2019/07/11/110000)
  3. Manage the contents of Python setup \ .py with setup \ .cfg -astropenguin
  4. PyPI registration procedure for those who want to make a PyPI debut -Qiita
  5. \ _ \ _ version \ _ \ _ traps and best practices -Qiita
  6. Settings when uploading Python packages to PyPI locally -Qiita

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