I tried to put HULFT IoT (Agent) in the gateway Rooster of Sun Electronics

Hello, Yorozu consultation responsible Sugimon: yum: It is.

Last time, I created a package of HULFT IoT Edge Streaming on Sun Electronics Rooster (NSX7000), which is a Linux gateway device. (The above) This time, as the second step, I also summarized the package creation of HULFT IoT Agent on the blog.

There may be clues to solve your problems, so please take a look.

HULFT IoT Agent package creation procedure for NSX7000


Sun Electronics Rooster (NSX7000) is a device of Sun Electronics Co., Ltd.'s router Rooster series for IoT / M2M. NSX7000 is positioned as a Linux gateway that supports LTE communication for multiple carriers.

--NSX7000 device information

Please refer to the link below for details on the equipment. NSX7000 device information

To install HULFT IoT Agent, you need to prepare the packaging environment in advance. I actually tried to create a package. image.png

Advance preparation

Please prepare the following.

--Download the zip file containing the product itself from the specified site (https://www.hulft.com/download?&_ga=2.188013544.1972116588.1573457228-475003281.1503981102#anc_24) and unzip it. --xxx is the product version --For terms and operations related to HULFT IoT, see "readme.html" included in the zip file or [Online Manual](https://www.hulft.com/help/ja-jp/IoT/index.htm?_ga= 2.188153064.1972116588.1573457228-475003281.1503981102)

+-- Agent/
|    |
|    +--HULFT IoT Agent installation module
+-- Agent UpdateModule/
|    |
|    +--HULFT IoT Agent Update Module
+-- License/
|    |
|    +--License file
+-- Manager/
|    |
|    +--HULFT IoT Manager installation module
+-- Manual/
|    |
|    +--HULFT IoT Manual
+-- readme.html

--NSX7000 package creation environment (* Development environment will be prepared separately) NSX7000 Manual Refer to the following manual for the procedure for building the package creation environment. --Add-on Application Development-Package Creation Manual.pdf --Add-on Application Development-Environment Construction Manual.pdf

Building Manager environment

HULFT IoT Manual Build the Manager environment according to the HULFT IoT manual.

Preparation of modules to package

Note: Perform the following steps as the root user

  1. Copy the following files to any directory in the NSX7000 package creation environment.
  1. Extract the copied file
tar zxf HULFT_IoT_Agent_Linux_AArch32_Vxxx.tar.gz
  1. When you execute the command, the following files will be expanded.
+-- modules/
|    +-- huliotcore
|    +-- huliotinfo
|    +-- huliotsend
|    +-- huliotservice
+-- defaultsettings.ini
+-- huliotsetup
+-- huliotsetup.ini

Edit configuration file

Edit the HULFT IoT Agent configuration file.

  1. Creation of agent.conf

Copy the following text and save it in a directory of your choice with the file name agent.conf

devicename = 
server_hostname = 
proxy = 
proxy_user = 
protocol = 0
cert_verification = 0
activation_key = 
first_conn_retry_interval = 3600
remarks_file = 
  1. Set the following items in the created agent.conf

Creating a package

Create a HULFT IoT Agent package in the NSX7000 package creation environment. For the parameters of various files, refer to the following Manual.

--Add-on Application Development-Package Creation Manual.pdf

  1. Create a specified directory
Top directory/
+-- object/
+-- rpk/
|    |
|    +-- CONTROL/
|    |      |
|    |      +--control file
|    |      +--postrm script
|    |
|    +--appctl script
+-- Makefile

  1. Copy the following files to the object directory
  1. Create a control file

I created it as follows.

Package: hulftiot-agent
Version: 2.0.0
Maintainer: Company
Architecture: nsx7000
  1. Create a postrm script

export PATH

. /lib/functions.sh
include /lib/functions/rooster-os/base
include /lib/functions/rooster-os/rpkg


on_remove() {
  rm -rf /app/var/${PACKAGE_NAME}
  return 0

case "$1" in
    if [ $PKG_ROOT = "/" ]; then

exit 0
  1. Create an appctl script

I created it as follows.




IOT_FILE=("huliotcore"  "huliotinfo"  "huliotsend"  "huliotservice")

make_hash() {
    if [ -e ${EXEC_DIR}/${HASH_FILE} ]; then
        rm -f ${EXEC_DIR}/${HASH_FILE}

    for ((i = 0; i < ${#IOT_FILE[@]}; i++)) {

start_app() {
    if [ ! -d ${EXEC_DIR} ]; then
        mkdir -p ${EXEC_DIR}
        mkdir -p ${WORK_DIR}
        mkdir -p ${LOG_DIR}
        cp -p ${PACKAGE_DIR}/${PACKAGE_NAME}/bin/* ${EXEC_DIR}
        echo "workfile_path = ${WORK_DIR}" >> ${EXEC_DIR}/agent.conf
        echo "logfile_path = ${LOG_DIR}"  >> ${EXEC_DIR}/agent.conf
        ${HASH_CMD} -c ${EXEC_DIR}/${HASH_FILE} > /dev/null 2>&1
        if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
            cp -pf ${PACKAGE_DIR}/${PACKAGE_NAME}/bin/huliot* ${EXEC_DIR}

stop_app() {
    ${EXEC_DIR}/huliotservice --stop

case "$1" in

exit 0

  1. Create a Makefile

I created it as follows.


ADD_ON_PKG_NAME := hulftiot-agent

include $(ROOSTER_TOP_DIR)/mk/add-on-package.mk



contents: $(ROOSTER_PACKAGE_ADD_ON_CONTENTS_DIR) hulftiot-agent

$(eval $(DefaultTarget))

  1. Execute the following command to create a package
make rpk
  1. When you execute the command, the following files will be created.

After that, you can use it by bringing this created package file to Rooster and installing it referring to the following manual.

--Add-on Application Development-Environment Construction Manual.pdf


What did you think. This time, I tried to create a HULFT IoT Agent package. There are many steps, but if you follow the manual and respond steadily, you've done it to the end!

In this blog, I would like to continue to introduce the contents of consultations at the "Yorozu Consultation Counter" of technology and the tricks that were born.

Please continue to check it out and follow us if you like.

See you again!

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