Pandas memorandum


――I will summarize how to use Pandas, which I usually use, for each purpose as my memorandum. --Scheduled to be updated regularly.


loop of series (value + index)

# Extract columns from dataframe and go to series
aaa = df['sts']

# The first line is output as "first time"
for index, item in enumerate(aaa):
    if index < 1:
 print ("first time")
 print ("second and subsequent times")

Column extraction from dataframe

# Define the columns to retrieve as an array
use_idx = ['aaa','bbb','ccc']

# Extract the defined columns and create a new dataframe
df2 = df[ use_idx ]

Day of the week extraction

# Convert date to datetime type
data['date'] = pd.to_datetime(date['date'])

# Extract the day of the week from the date (SUN = 6, MON = 0)
date['day_of_week'] = date['date'].dt.dayofweek

list → series conversion

data = [1,8,14,56]
# Name the column with the optional name
 s = pd.Series(data, name=['day', 'hour', 'c1', 'c2'])

Extract column names to list

 name = df.columns.values

Delete column

 df = df.drop('AAAA', axis = 1)

Batch replacement of column names

# Combine strings to existing column names
newcol = []
for i in df.columns:
    print(i + "_2day")
    newcol.append(i + "_2day")

# Respecify column name
df.columns = newcol

Sorting dataframe

# Sorting
dfl = df.sort_values(by="A")  

# Multiple sorts
dfl = df.sort_values(by=["A","B","C","D"])  

dataframe concat

# Join by column
df_union = pd.concat( [df, df2], axis=1 )

# Join by line
df_union = pd.concat( [df, df2], axis=0 )  
 * Add the "sort = False" option as a countermeasure against changing the order of columns.

merge dataframe

# Inner join on condition of key
df = pd.merge(left, right, on='key')

# Left outer join on condition of key
df = pd.merge(left, right, on='key', how = 'left')

 The combination method is specified by the how keyword.
 inner: Default. Inner join. Leave only the keys contained in both data.
 left: Left outer join. Leave all the keys for the first data.
 right: Right outer join. Leave all the keys for the second data.
 outer: Full outer join. Leave all keys.

index setting

# Set index to xxxx column

# Reset index
# Sequential number is set to index and original index is added to data column

# Reset index
# The old index is deleted and the new index is set

df2 = df.reset_index(drop=True)
 Note that reset_index will not be reflected unless you do the above ()

Combine dataframe and series

#dataframe df and series df_Combine ser
#series is to_frame()Convert to dataframe using
 df2 = pd.concat( [ df, df_ser.to_frame() ], axis=1 )

timestamp → datetime conversion

--The datetime type in pandas is timestamp, which can be used in almost the same way. --When changing to datetime type, use the following function.


When reading csv, use a character string

list → dataframe conversion

hoge = pd.DataFrame(hoge)

Sort by index in dataframe

#ascending order
hoge = hoge.sort_index() 
#descending order
hoge = hoge.sort_index(ascending=False) 

Parameter addition with read_sql (using wildcard)

#One parameter
sql "select * from aaa where opstime >= %s;"
df = pd.read_sql(sql, con=conn, params=("2020-02-13"))

#Two parameters
sql "select * from aaa where opstime >= %s and opstime <= %s;"
df = pd.read_sql(sql, con=conn, params=("2020-02-13","2020-02-15"))

Create an empty data frame

#Create a data frame with 3 rows and 3 columns and a null value
df = pd.DataFrame(index=range(3), columns=['a', 'b' , 'c'])

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