Pandas notes

A rudimentary note of Pnadas. Pandas has various functions, so make a note at any time.

data structure


An advanced version of the regular list. List with index.


import pandas as pd

s = pd.Series([1,2,3],index=['a','b','c'])

#Access to elements
print s.a

#Various operations
print s.index;
print s.mean()
print s.sum()
print s.cumsum()
print s.tolist()
print s.to_dict()


Something like Excel in memory. Various processing can be performed in rows and columns.


import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame([[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]],index=['r1','r2','r3'],columns=['c1','c2','c3'])

#Content display for the time being
print df

#Access to elements
print df.ix['r1','c1']

#Various operations (total of columns)
print df.ix[:,'c1'].sum()


I will add it as needed.

datetime processing


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