SQLAlchemy notes

Purpose of this entry

If you use SQLAlchemy occasionally, you will forget how to use it, so an entry to take notes every time you use it

Data acquisition

instance = sessoin.query(Model).filter_by(Schema=Value)
instance = sessoin.query(Model).filter(Model.Schema==Value) #Same as above

instance.one() #Returns an object when there is only one. If not(NoResultFound)Or if there are multiple(MultipleResultsFound)An error will occur.

instance.first() #If not, None is returned. If there is more than one, something one object is returned

instance.all() #List returns

[m.Schema for m for instance] #Like, instance is iterable.

instance.count() #The number is returned

Store data

model_data = Model(Schema=Value)
model_data.Schema2 = Value2
model_data = sessoin.query(Model).filter_by(Schema=Value).first()
if model_data is None:
	model_data = Model(Schema=Value)
model_data.Schema2 = Value2

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