python learning notes

If the python version does not switch to the latest version

If pyenv does not switch the python version, use the following command.

$ eval "$(pyenv init -)"

Syntax memo

What is a data type?

It has attributes (variables) and methods (functions). A class in PHP? However, initialization (storage in a variable) is not necessary to use a data type function. Data type. Available in function ()

Functions of data type

Each data type such as split () of a character string has a function. This function is called ** method **. The method is a variable. Execute with the method name ()

a = 'tokyo,shibuya'
b = a.split(',')
print(b) # ['tokyo','shibuya']

How to make a function


def function name(argument)
	return x

Set the default value for the argument

def function name(argument=Default value)
	return x

How to create a data type (class)

#Dice data
class Dice :
  def __init__(self,val=6): # ①
  	if val not in [4,6,8,12,20]:
  		raise Exception('There is no such front body') #②
  	self.face_num = val #③
  def shoot(self):
    return random.randint(1,self.face_num)

① You can specify the function to be executed when it is called (initialized) by the function of __init__. ② It is possible to display an error with raise. The numerical value of the argument is checked in the if argument in target. Error messages in parentheses for exception ('') can be displayed ③ self must be specified as an argument when creating a method in the class. Also, prefix the variables used in the methods in the class with self.

Class inheritance

class class name(Inheritance source data type):
	#When adding processing to the initialization method, also load the initialization method of the parent class
	def __init__(self) :
		super(name of the class,self).__init__()
		#super has two arguments, a data type and self, and returns its parent class.
Additional processing

Creating an object from a class

class A() :
	age = 37

a = A()
a.age # 37

An object can be created by assigning the class name () to a variable. Note that if you do not add (), it will be just a copy of the class!

class A() :
	age = 37

a = A
a.age = 20

a.age # 20
A.age # 20

b= A()
b.age #20

If you copy it, you will change the variable of the class when you try to change the variable of the object as described above, and when you create the object after that, that value will be the initial value.

Meaning of self

Meaning to put yourself in the argument. Class has methods and variables

Function memo

Count the number of characters


Convert to string


Output data to screen


Create a list

Creates a contiguous list of integers for the number specified in int. The start position and end position can be determined by separating the arguments with. Start with the first argument. Before the second argument.

range(3)     # [0,1,2]
range(1,5)   # [1,2,3,4]
range(10,11) # [10]

Functions that string type has

Separate strings with specific characters

The method that the string has. Separates the character string with the character specified in the argument and returns the result as an array.

a = 'tokyo,nagoya'
b = a.split(',')
print(b) #[tokyo, nagoya]

Uppercase the string

a = 'abcd'
b = a.upper()
print(b) # ABCD

Returns the appearance position of a specific character

Returns the first occurrence position of the character specified in the argument with 0 at the beginning

a = 'abcdefg'
b = a.index('c')
print(b) # 2

Module memo

Module loading

import module name
Module name.function

Others You can use as to name the module

import module name as A
A.function#=Module name.function

Random value generation

import random
#Random display of range-separated integer values
#Randomly display the values in the array
random.random.choice(Array or string)

Built-in functions

Adapt functions to all lists map

map(str,[1,2,3]) #['1','2','3']

Date and time display

import datetime
#Date representation
b =,12,11)
print(b) #2013-12-11
#Calculation of the day of the week (0 is Monday,6 is sunday)
c = b.weekday() 
print(c) # 2

Functions / features of list type

Get the number of items len

a = [1,2,3]
len(a) # 3

Get the last item

a = [1,2,3]
a[-1] # 3
a[-2] # 2

Add element append

a = [1,2,3]
print(a) # [1,2,3,4]

Add element to specific position append

a = [1,2,3]
print(a) #[1,5,2,3]

Delete element pop

a = [1,2,3]
print(a) #[1,2]

Remove the element with the specified value remove

a = ['da','ai','oo']
print(a) #['da','oo']

List join extend

a = [1,2]
b = [3,4]
print(a) #[1,2,3,4]

Get the total of the list

a = [1,2,3]
b = sum(a)
b # 6

Get the maximum and minimum of the list

a = [1,2,3]
b = max(a) # 3
c = min(c) # 1

Cut out the list

a = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,13,15]
a[0:3] #[1,2,3]
a[2:5] #[3,4,5]
a[3:]  #[4,5,6,7,13,15]
a[:3]  #[1,2,3]

Sorting the list

a = [3,2,1,4,5,6]
#Sort in ascending order
a # [1,2,3,4,5,6]
#Sort in reverse order
a # [6,5,4,3,2,1]

Strings are also sorted in lexicographic order (uppercase> lowercase)

Creating an empty list

a = []


String concatenation

a = 'Inside'
b = 'Soto'
c = a + 'When' + c
c #Nakatosoto

Check if it is included

a = '12345'
if '3' in a :
	print 'true'

Execute a function on each numerical value of the array

#Cast each element of the array as an example
a = [1,2,3]
a_str = map(str,a)
a_str # ['1','2','3']

Regular expressions

Search and retrieve the applicable ones

import re
c = 'My age is 65 years old'
pat = r"(\d{1,2})age"
d =,c) # 65

Replacement / repositioning

re.sub(r'pattern','Replacement character',Target data)
import re
a = 'my name is ryo, i like programing'
n = re.sub(r"\w*(ryo)\w*",'yu',a)
n # 'my name is yu, i like programing'
#Replace word position. Of the pattern()When replacing\Since it can be specified by a number, use it.
a = '1is2 3is4 5is6'
b = re.sub(r"(\d)is(\d)",r"\2is\1",a)
b # '2is1 4is3 6is5'

Lambda expression

What is a lambda expression?

A function that does not have a function name is called an anonymous function. It is mainly used by putting it in a variable. It is also convenient to use it in a map that executes a function for each element of list or a filter that selects each element of list by a function.

lis = range(1,11) # [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]

#Take an even number from lis
lis_even = list(filter(lambda a : a % 2 == 0,lis))
print(lis_even) # [2,4,6,8,10]

#Triple each element of lis
lis_x3 = list(map(lambda a : a * 3, lis))
print(lis_x3) # [3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30]

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