Python learning notes


This is a memo of what I learned for studying python. Please point out any errors.

Built-in functions


#Type conversion
#Convert to int
int("100")     #Decimal number
int("100", 2)  #Binary number
int("100", 16) #Hexadecimal
#Convert to float value
#Convert to string
#Character output
print("String"+"String2")  # Stringを連結する
print("String"+ str(100)) #Convert numbers to letters and concatenate
print("String",100)       #Letter and number concatenation(There is a space in between)
#Character input
test = input()

list = [1,2,3]
sum(list) #result: 6

#Maximum value
max(list) #result: 3

#minimum value
min(list) #result: 1

len(list) #result: 3

for statement


loop = [0,1,2,3]

#Loop for the number of arrays
for i in loop:
    #Loop contents

#Loop for the specified number of times
for i in range(5):
    #Loop contents

#Loop in a specific range
for i in range(2,4):
    #Loop contents

while statement

cnt = 1
while cnt <= 10:
   cnt = cnt + 1 #Count addition

Loop control

Control minutes Description
break Break out of the loop(End)
continue Return to the beginning of the loop
else Run at the end of the loop

How to use the else statement

else is executed after the loop ends. However, if the break statement breaks the loop, else will not be executed.

check ="Tanaka"
#Check if "Yamada" is in the class name
for name in Class:
   if check == name:
      print(name+"Is a classmate")
   print(check +"Is not a classmate")

if statement


testA = 1

if 1 == test:
    #Processing at True
    #Processing when false

testB = "TEST"
if "T" in testB:
    #Processing at True
elif "B" in testB:
    #Processing when true


Comparison operator

operator Description
A == B A and B are equal
A != B A and B are different
A > B A is greater than B
A < B A is smaller than B
A >= B A is B or higher
A <= B A is less than B
A in B Element of A exists in B

Logical operator

operator Description
A and B A and B
A or B A or B

A < B and B < C In such a case, you can also write as follows A < B < C

Bit operator

operator Description
A | B Logical sum(OR)
A & B Logical AND(AND)
A ^ B Exclusive OR(XOR)
A << B, A >> B Shift operation


def Name1():
  #Function processing
  return 0

#Define default arguments
def Name1():
  #Function processing
  return 0

#Define default arguments
def Name2(name="Anonymous"):
 print( "What's your name" + name + "is" )

#Define default arguments
def NameAndAge(name="Anonymous", age=25):
 print( "What's your name" + name + "is" )
 print( "How old are you" , age,"I'm talented" )

#Specify keywords
NameAndAge(age=12, name="Taro")


import random                 #Load the module
import random as rm           #Specify a name for the module
from statistics import median #Load the function in the module
from statistics import *      #Load all functions in the module

Built-in data type

Numeric type

Model name Description
int Integer type
float Floating point type
complex Complex type

XX base notation

XX base Notation Convert from decimal XX baseから10進数に変換
Hexadecimal 0xffff hex(65535) int("0xffff",16)
Binary number 0b1111 bin(15) int("0b1111",2)
8 base 0o777 oct(511) int("0c777",8)

String type

Model name Description
str String type
bytes Handles character strings read from files, etc.

Replace / delete

test = "ABCDE"
test2 = test.replace("B","O")  #Replace B with O
test3 = test.replace("B","")   #Delete B
#However, the original variable does not change
test   # "ABCDE"
test2  # "AOCDE"
test3  # "ACDE"

Split / concatenate

test = "1 2 3 4 5"

#Divide by space
test_split = test.split(" ")
#[.]With test_Concatenate split data
test_join = ".".join(test_split ) 

test          # "1 2 3 4 5"
test_split    # ["1","2","3","4","5"]
test_join     # ""

Other methods

Method Description
str.find(Search character[ ,start,End] ) Search for a string from the beginning,When it doesn't hit**-1**return it
str.rfind(Search character[ ,start,End] ) Search for a string from the end,When it doesn't hit**-1**return it
str.index(Search character[ ,start,End]) Search for a string from the beginning,When it doesn't hitValueErrorreturn it
str.rindex(Search character[ ,start,End]) Search for a string from the end,When it doesn't hitValueErrorreturn it
str.startwith(Search character[ ,start,End]) Search charactersostartWhen you areTruereturn it
str.endwith(Search character[ ,start,End]) Search charactersoEndWhen you areTruereturn it


Insert a string using format

test= "my name is{}is"
test.format("Taro")                 # 私の名前はTaroです

#Specify the order
test ="His name is{0}is.{0}Age{1}才is."
test.format("Jiro","25")            # 彼の名前はJiroです。Jiroの年齢は25才です。

#Specify keywords
test ="His name is{Name}is.{Name}Age{Age}才is."
test.format(Name="Jiro",Age="25")   # 彼の名前はJiroです。Jiroの年齢は25才です。

#Specify in the dictionary
test = "{0[name]}Is{0[age]}I'm talented"
dictionary = {'name':'Taro' , 'age':'14'}
test.format(dictionary)            #Taro is 14 years old

#Specify notation
test = "my name is{:>10}is"       #Right justified
test.format("Taro")                # 私の名前は     Taroです

test = "{:.1%}"
test.format(0.25)                   # 25.0%

#Display as f character string(python3.6 or later)
f"my name is{name}is"

Escape character

letter Description
\n new line
\r new line(CR)
\t Horizontal tab
\f New Page
' Single quote
" Double quotation
\0 null

raw string

If r is added, the character is displayed as it is.

raw = r"c:\Users\XX\Document"

bool type

Get True or False values


Refers to the one in which multiple elements are arranged in order.



#List declaration
list = [1,2,3]
list2= [2,3,4]

#List concatenation
list3 = list + list2
list3 #result: [1,2,3,2,3,4]

#Specify the beginning
list[0] = 0
list #result: [0,2,3]

#Specify the end
list[-1] = 1
list #result: [0,2,1]

#Slice specification
slice = [0,1,2,3,4,5]
slice[1:3] # [1,2]
slice[:4]  # [0, 1, 2, 3]
slice[3:]  # [3, 4, 5]
#Specify an even number
slice[::2] # [0,2,4] 
#Replace with slice
slice[1:2] = [10,11]
slice      # [0, 'a', 'b', 2, 3, 4, 5]
#Delete with slice
slice = [0,1,2,3,4,5]
del slice[4:]
slice      # [0, 1, 2, 3]

#Delete element
list = [0,1,2]
del list[2]
list #result: [0,1]

#Sorting elements(ascending order)
list = [3,5,2,1,0]
list    # [0, 1, 2, 3, 5]

#Sorting elements(descending order)
list = [3,5,2,1,0]
list    # [5, 3, 2, 1, 0]

#Customize the sort
#Sort in descending order of the sum of the numbers in the array
def sumAll(num):
   #Sum and return the numbers in the array
   return num[0] + num[1] + num[2]

list = [[10, 50, 30],[20, 50, 40],[80, 60, 70]]
list.sort(key=sumAll, reverse=True)
list # [[80, 60, 70], [20, 50, 40], [10, 50, 30]]
Method name Description
reverse() Reverse order
remove() remove
append() Add element at the end
expend() Add sequence at the end
pop() Delete the end and return the deleted value
index() Find the element you want to search for and return the index. Returns ValueError if not found


Tuples look a lot like lists, but you can't change the elements.

#Tuple declaration
Months =("Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul")
Months ="Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul"

#When there is one element, put a comma at the end
Day= ("Mon",)
#Connection is OK
Months = Months + ("Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec")

#Unpack assignment
a = 1
b = 2
a , b = b , a
a     # 2
b     # 1

Use as a key

Tuples are sequences that cannot be changed, so dictionary keys and Can be an element of set

#Register your birthday in the dictionary
birthdays = {("April","1 day"):"Yamada Taro",
            ("June","The 6th"):"Hanako Yamada",
            ("November","11th"):"Jiro Yamada"}
#Specify date
birthday =("June","The 6th")
#Find a matching key in the for statement
for day in birthdays:
    if birthday == day:
        print(birthdays[day]) #Hanako Yamada

set Data used to manage non-overlapping elements

test1 = {1,2,3}
test2 = {3,4,5}

test1 | test2                # {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
test1.union(test2)           # {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}

#Difference set
test1 - test2                # {1, 2}
test1.difference(test2)      # {1, 2}
#Logical AND
test1 & test2                # {3}
test1.intersection(test2)    # {3}

#Exclusive OR
test1 ^ test2                     # {1, 2, 4, 5}
test1.symmetric_difference(test2) # {1, 2, 4, 5}

#Convert from list to set
list = [1,2,3,4,5]
set(list)                    # {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
testA = {1,2,3,4,5,6}
testB = {3,4,5}
Check = testA & testB

if 4 in Check:
    print("4 is included in Test A and Test B")
if {3,4} <= Check:
    print("3,4 is included in Test A and Test B")

Dictionary (dictionary)

Manage the array by associating Key and Value

#Define dictionary type
test = { "name": "Taro",
         "age": "25"
         "Birthplace": "Tokyo"}

# dict()Defined using
dict([['key1','value1'],['key2','value2']])  # {'key1': 'value1', 'key2': 'value2'}
dict(key1='value1', key2='value2')           # {'key1': 'value1', 'key2': 'value2'}

#to add
test ={'name':'Taro'}      # {'name': 'Taro'}
test["sex"] ="Man"
test                       # {'name': 'Taro', 'sex': 'Man'}

#Combine with update method
test = {'name': 'Taro', 'sex': 'Man'}
test.update({'sex':'woman','age':'12 years old'})
test # {'name': 'Taro', 'sex': 'woman', 'age': '12 years old'}

test = {'name': 'Taro', 'sex': 'Man'}
del test["sex"]
test                       # {'name': 'Taro'}

#Check the existence of the element and add the element
test = {'name':'Goro','age':'12'}
word = "age"
if word in test:
   test[word] = test[word]+'Talent'
    #not exist
    test[word] = 'Blank'

#Add elements using get
test = {'name':'Goro'}
word = "age"

test[word] = test.get(word, 'Blank')
test                   # {'name': 'Goro', 'age': 'Blank'}

Changeable / Not possible Data

Data type type
list Can be changed(mutable)
dictionary Can be changed(mutable)
set Can be changed(mutable)
bytearray Can be changed(mutable)
Tuple Cannot be changed(immutable)
str/bytes Cannot be changed(immutable)


#At the beginning of the comment#Put on

docstring Add a description of the function using docstring

def docstring():
docstring test
Test 1
Test 2
Test 3
    Test = "ran docstring"
print(docstring.__doc__)   #Get the explanation of docstring as a string
help(docstring)            #Check the explanation of the function from help

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